Hot Rox/Weight Loss Supplements

I'm interested in learning some information about weight loss supplements. I've done a little bit of research, however, I'm not very sure if they're safe, beneficial, etc.

Honestly, I had disregarded most supplements until I met a guy who lives across the hall from me at school. He's in great shape and uses a steady regiment of supplements, one of those being a fat burning supplement called "Hot Rox." I was considering purchasing some to add to my workout, though, I figured I'd gather some additional opinions before I started something like this...
Supplements are just that - supplements. The only way to lose weight is to exercise vigorously i.e. HIIT/weights together with a caloric deficit diet. There is no wonder drug that you can take and slim overnight.
taking pills / supliments really isnt the way to go. I tried it and didnt sleep for 1 whole day my heart was racing the entire time!

Its not really the best way to go about losing weight.. a proper diet and exercise are what you want to do.
I guarantee the guy has good genetics, works out a lot, eats right...probably all three.

A fat burner won't overcome any of those things on its own.

I only recommend fat burners when someone has already lost most of their fat, and just need help with those last few pounds.