Sport Hot rox extreme ?? what you guys think ??

Sport Fitness
It will be cheaper and more effective to do a basic ECA stack.

- bulk first, cut later. There is no point in loosing the fat 1st, your just missing out.
- Only take weight loss suppliments if your diet and exerices program is 100%. Weight loss supplimets are not good for you, so there is no point in doing it if your not getting the full effect.
I would not suggest anyone to take weight loss suppliments unless they are very fit and healthy. People dont realise that weight loss supplimets are acctually very very uncomfortable. The advert may say that it gives you a Buzz, when really it makes your heart race which is a pretty scary feeling when you are sitting down.

About an hour after taking it your heart rate speeds up a lot. If you go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, by the time you get back you'll feel like your having a heart attack. You may also go red in the face, mix up your words or start to babble when you are talking.

Caffine is a very powerful drug - be careful.