Hoping for some guidance...?

Please take the time to read all of this, it means a lot to me. And if this is in the wrong forum, please tell me so I can move it.

I am 14 years old, I'm 5' 3" tall, I'm about 115-120 pounds (haven't checked in a while), and I can barely bench-press 55 lbs on a good day.

The height, weight, and strength don't bother me individually. I'll grow taller soon, I'm not overweight, and I have no need to be strong other than satisfaction.

The problem arises in that I have these three setbacks combined with the fact that I have Absolutely NO Stamina.

I nearly died on the mile run, and I walked half way. I can only jog non-stop with music and only for 2-3 minutes IF I am stretched and totally full on energy.

I had to quit wrestling because I was so worn out from practice that I had to sleep for 1-2 hours after I got home, and then my homework wouldn't get done.

I don't know why people feel they have to be big and strong. I was never into that. But when it comes down to it; being able to defend myself in a tight spot is important, as well as being able to run away. I can't do either.

I really, REALLY don't like being a weakling - I've jogged, done weights, wrestling, etc., but nothing seems to work. Either I can't stick to it, or it's too exausting. There's always something in the way.

What I Want is a workout plan or reference, any kind of system, ANYTHING that will help me reach my goals.

Here is what I want to accomplish:
  • Flat stomach; No macho six-pack - but no gut, either
  • Burn fat; Pecks, Upper arm, Upper leg, noticable stuff
  • Increased Stamina; I want to be able to jog 1 mile, only stopping for drinks
  • Increased Strength; I want to be able to bench around 80 pounds
  • Reduce Pain; Either make it go away, or just get more used to it
My Requirements:
  • Time; Spend only up to 1 hr on weekdays, 2 hrs on weekends
  • Speed; Fast results, even if they are only noticable by me
  • Cost; I have about a $30 monthly spending limit
Equipment at my disposal:
  • Tennis Racket, swimming stuff, and frsibee (mostly useless, I assume)
  • Weight Bench; 10lb hollow bar with weights goes up to around 80 pounds
  • One-hand Weight; goes up to about 30-40 pounds
  • Bar; It's abou 5' Long and 3' high, it holds my weight (gymnasic-like-stuff?)
  • Bicycle, Roller Blades, Jogging stuff
  • Quick access to a public park
  • Stretchy-Thing (looks like a big rubber band) extends to my full reach
  • Squeezy-Grip-Thing (smaller than the ones you put on weight bars)
  • Family Membership to the YMCA
  • A Pound of "Creatine Monohydrate" that I bought a while back
Challenges that I face:
  • Initially crappy Height, Strength, and Stamina
  • Never participated in group or individual sports for more than a month
  • Not very good at replicating movements (ie moves in wrestling)
  • Not focused unless I enjoy what I'm doing
  • Terrible procrastinate
  • I'm extremely lazy (but if I get a good program, that won't matter much)
(Finally) What I value in the program:
  • Variation
  • Customized for my needs (or close)
  • Easy to follow
  • Enjoyable to the extent that I use it long enough to see it work
  • Must be do-able in extreme heat; or at any time during the day

I really, REALLY appreciate anybody who even takes the time to read all this, it means a great deal to me - and I praise anyone who helps me make the slightest improvement from what I have going now - because it is NOT working.

If needed, email me!

It seems you have everything you need to get started. I like you cannot run. I can chase a tennis ball, ride a bike or rollerblade for long distance but I cannot just run / jog. Don't worry about it just do the things you can do. At 14 you definately do not need to worry about lifting heavy weights. Lift what you can do at least 8-12 times and each time you can do it 13 times add 5lbs and drop back to 8 reps. You are already larger than I was at your age. My freshman year I wrestled in the 99lbs weight class. Use the stuff you have and keep your body in motion, eat healthy and often and you will suprise yourself and your friends and family by the end of summer at how much you have gained.
Thank you!

Well, that's certainly helpful - and from your post I'm assuming that I don't need a fully fledged "program", per say - but I will take note of what you've given me.

Thanks Again!