Sport Homemade protein bars?

Sport Fitness
Alright, I need some protein, protein bars, in fact. I thought of this because I always eat a piece of fruit in between my first and 2nd period class, and I only have 2 minutes to eat the whole thing.

So, protein bars.

Does anyone know how to make one using basic household items?
Wow, lottsa writing there....

Speaking of food. I feel guilty.

I just ate 4 Tim Hortons cookies. And 2 pieces of my mothes apple pie, that I know has sugar.

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No point in feeling guilty after you have done it, try and think why you would have eaten them and see if there is a way that you can prevent from doing it again. Ain't none of us perfect y'know and we are all gonna have a cheat of some kind sometime, just don't make it a regular thing.
No, not regular. I usually eat 1 or 2 of them eveyr 1 or 2 weeks. Now, I will never eat them ever again. Gauranteed. Because, my friend, who brings them TO me, is moving away to New York.
wow what a good resource