Sport Homemade Protein Bars/Snacks

Sport Fitness
I remember seeing a huge post with lots of recipes on how to make homemade high protein bars/snacks on this site. The bookmark was on my laptop which is now dead. I tried to refind the post but I no longer can. I was wondering if someone could link me to it or something.

I remember that post - can't seem to find it at the moment though.

The one I remember was natural peanut butter, mixed with oats (I used quaker porridge oats), whey & honey and, microwaved until a cake like consistency and then cut into bars, wrapped in foil and kept in the fridge. I would occasionally add egg whites if it seemed to be a bit crumbly.

Unfortunalely, it has been ages since I made them so, I can't really remember the specifics. If I come across the thread, I'll post it here.