Home Made Supplements

Some awesome info I found out about from the xpo.

Jeff Anderson talks about how to make your own supplements!

I havent bought it yet, but it has made its way to #1 on my list.

Heres a review of it from another site:

and another:
bumping this badass info
Thanks for posting this TM.

I wanted to acknowledge I saw it! :)

Off to read some, and may post something after I do!


Best regards,

Both reviews are biased, Both reviewers have put referral links to the product they're reviewing.
Meaning, if you read their review and click their link of the product "Homemade Supplements Secrets" and lets say you buy the product, they (the reviewers) will make money out of it i.e will get a share of the sale because they have brought a customer to the site.
I'm just saying that they might be saying the product is good in order to earn money from it. It is very possible for the reviews to be biased.
I'm not saying that the product is good or not good because I don't know much about it.
I know something about internet marketing, because I do it myself, and what you're seeing is a scheme widely used for selling all kinds of ebooks.
I understand that. The reviews I posted were for others, I have already decided to buy this product because I heard the guy speaking. Thats actually how I found out about it.

Regardless, if you can make your own high dollar products for a fraction of the price, why wouldnt you want to?
I understand that. The reviews I posted were for others, I have already decided to buy this product because I heard the guy speaking. Thats actually how I found out about it.

Regardless, if you can make your own high dollar products for a fraction of the price, why wouldnt you want to?

You might be right, you never know with these kind of things, maybe the product is good, I was just telling you to be cautious with these things and not believe all that the author claims about this product. I mean he is making some incredible statements...
I hope this book will be what you expect it to be, good luck with it.
And after you read it, post your impressions about it here.