Sport Home made Protein Shake?

Sport Fitness
Hey did anyone hace a home made recipe of a big protein shake like 48 grams of protein and like 2 of carbs?? lol, the protein shakes are expensive.. with items like eggs,and stuff that are not very expensive.. jeje :D
If you're looking for quick cheap shots of protein I think soy nuts are pretty good. Problem is they taste like sawdust, so I usually mix them with some raisins or something a bit sweet.
Costa Rica !;) great country but somethings are very expensive , taxes are high ( for buying a car brand new from the states you have to pay 100% taxes, if a car price is $20000 you have to pay $40000, and so is food..(less taxes..but still very high)

but the topic is not about that lol, does anyone have a magic recipe to makea high protein shakes, like 4 white eggs, half can of tuna(lol, a little nasty), mix all together into the blender and bla bla...

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i need to pay taxes... :( when it enter the country it passes to an office that makes you pay taxes... small things sometimes pass it without paying taxes.. i supposly think that a protein shake will incule in big packages and pay taxes for it, and the problem i have if that it stays in that office i need a certify of foods or something like that.. so..

I really was considering buy one in ebay.. i need to think about it and see if i will get it cheap... if not i will buy it here...
-soy milk
-eggs whites (some stores have treated ones if you don't want to eat raw
-brazil nut, fig, banana and coconut.
-add some ice and bam there you go
Champr23 said:
If you have the frikin internet you can afford supps..

a uncle pays me the internet... but maybe in 2-3 weeks i will buy a supplement maybe in ebay.. , my grandma tells me that my uncle have a protein shake i will ask him if he wants to sponsor me (lol)..

theleip said:
-soy milk
-eggs whites (some stores have treated ones if you don't want to eat raw
-brazil nut, fig, banana and coconut.
-add some ice and bam there you go

mix all that in the blender and ready? but sure that is a protein shake, i see more cars and fat than protein.. :confused:
Yeah its ready.
Well it does have carbs as most protein shakes do, it has good fat (which most protein shakes do) but it has high protien. If you just want protien and protein only then just take food with you where you go. Protein is important but so are good fats and carbs. Brazil nuts have good protien, as well as the soy milk and egg whites. It should give you a great even ratio serving of 40% protien 40% carb 20%
I don't think they are expensive. Buy on Ebay and shop around. It translates to a dollar a day for normal stuff or two bucks a day for the upscale stuff. I am pretty poor but I considder shakes a good investment to keep my food costs down
Mr.Ninjaface said:
It translates to a dollar a day for normal stuff or two bucks a day for the upscale stuff.

Hey dude you are replacing your protein intake by a supplement... the protein shake should not replace a piece of chicken , meat, fish ect.. thats why they are called supplements... not meal replacement...
Actually shakes can be used for meal replacements. Thats why alot have good servings of carbs, fats, and protein. Some people use them as extra to a meal, and some use them for a meal when they are on the go and can't get actual food. Different bodies require different things. I think you need to read up on the uses and benefits of what a protein shake is.