Holy $$$$! exam

I have an exam in like 6-7 days.. (I don't know exactly.. lol) Not a university exam, but a high school one. No, I didn't fail anything, but there is a course I want to take up (english) to improve my average so I can get into what I want at the university for next year. I'm studying English now at the university (just a 1 year thing) so I thought it would be easy to just go down to high school level and take the exam, I have to take one written and one oral. Luckily, I know the two teachers who will be grading the oral exam very well :D

Anyways.. I think I'm gonna have to read up on some stuff, because I don't know anything.. though, with my oral rowing skills I'll be fine :D
So you're just gonna Suck Your Way to Success?
something like that :D Naah.. I know a lot about American and UK civilization and everything.! I'm a master!
I think he meant "accidentally" leaving your wallet full of cash on the teacher's desk while you go to use the "bathroom." Also, you used $'s in the title...
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I think he meant "accidentally" leaving your wallet full of cash on the teacher's desk while you go to use the "bathroom." Also, you used $'s in the title...

That's the one.