Hmmm, my multivitamin has iron...good anyway?

That's the multi-vitamin I take.

I heard the extra iron isn't needed for men and that we should get multi-vitamins without iron. I am stuck with this bottle for now, should I just use it (1 tablet a day) anyway and just buy a no iron multivitamin in the future, or should I trash this and go with no iron immediately?
You should get enough iron in your diet anyway.
Iron helps make blood so if you have bled or you had an injury then take some extra iron.

it wont do you any harm, it will just get 'passed'.
It can build up in the body, but I think thats pretty rare.

summery - dont waste your money on iron, get it in your food.
I will definitely go with a no iron multivitamin next time as I also heard the same thing, that iron is usually supplied in right amounts from food alone if you eat healthy.

Thanks for the info, just what I needed.