hmm creatine soreness?

ok...after i did my first workout with creatine, i was pretty sore. but since then ive been lifting weights ive never before lifted, in the correct weight/range area, more sets, maxing out on my last bench....and im not getting sore. is that normal for creatine? also ive bean eating a sh!t load of food. so, any reasons as to why im not gettin sore? is being sore not all i think it is? i love being sore. should i maybe give my workout a break for about a week, so i can shock them? any suggestions would help
Ive just started using creatine. Ive found I can lift so much more and i feel just as sore after, but more "pumped" during my workout, Ive also noticed my recovery time is much shorter, and im very thirsty, even tho im drinking over a galon of water a day.

and im only taking 2/3 of the recomended dose.
mine says 2 heaping teaspoons. i take that before. then 1 heaping teaspoon afterwards. but i only take it on lifting days. but i dont know why...must be because im getting so much vitamin e. which ive read reduces muscle soreness.....but iuno, i dont think im getting SO MUCH vitamin E. just my multi vitamin, and what foods i eat. i know im getting stronger for my workouts too, i just want to be sore!!
Creatine information

Here is some interesting information about creatine and other exercise "fuels".


i wish it would give reasons behind why, on each of those studies. but either way its pretty helpful, might bookmark those pages.
ok, ive figured out my problem for not having sore pecs. my terrible form. i caught myself and my god, my form has always been terrible. i dont know why i ever felt it in my pecs before. i was out messing with small amount of weight (90lb) to check my form, and god i cant wait till tomorrow to rip up my pecs. i felt it in my shoulders today after working out yesterday, made me think...cause i saw a post from someone saying bad form can put lots of pressure on the shoudlers.

edit: hmm maybe because i was doing more weight, my shoulders did more or most of the work.
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Yeah you should out your shoulder blades back leaving a small arch in your back and use a wide grip to hit the pecs better. also try using dumbells for a week or two for benching. you wont be able to do nearly as much weight, but you will feel it the next day guarunteed. Switch up your program like ever 3-4 weeks to keep the body guessing and you will notice better gains!. :D :D
Also do you just do flat bench? Try throwing some incline and decline bench in too. I personally like incline best. I can do less weight but get a better pump from it. Just some food for thought
yup changed up my whole routine for tomorrows workout, throwing in incline and decline, my exact thoughts brotha.
yeah, i was using dumbells too. i would try and tire my chest with barbell, then at the end, use dumbell press, so my weaker side would feel it more than the other. and still no soreness which was also making me think. but tomorrow im gonna push it hard! gonna make dam sure i get sore.
How many reps and sets do you do? if you are doing sets of 10 or 12 you may want to back down to like 6 or 8 with heavier weight, just dont sacrifice from. form is the most important thing.
I'd stick with dumbbells for a while. They give a more proper range of motion for chest pressing moves, and require more stabilizer muscles - both will benefit you.
I also find that at the top of a dumbbell press, you can squeeze the pecs a little, for that extra 10%.
Then I'd say, alternate workouts between incline and flat bench presses, and even toss in a decline press if you have access to a decline bench.

Form is indeed king of building muscle. It never ceases to amaze me to see someone doing full body motions to perform a single rep of dumbbell curls, because they think thier stick figure arms will grow faster if they use 40lb dumbbells.
yup ima stick with dumbells till they are too easy to lift, then hit the barbell. i love hitting new routines, gets me so excited.
this is my routine im gonna be doing, for chest only, im also doing, military press, upright rows, curls, and tri extensions. (2 day split DAY1 chest/shoulders/arms. DAY2 back/abs/legs)

bench press
dumbell curls
military press

incline press
Tri Extensions
Upright Rows

dumbell curls
Military press

bench press
tri extensions
Upright Rows

incline press
dumbell curls
Military press

tri extensions
Upright Row

eat like a mother
manofkent said:
Ive just started using creatine. Ive found I can lift so much more and i feel just as sore after, but more "pumped" during my workout, Ive also noticed my recovery time is much shorter, and im very thirsty, even tho im drinking over a galon of water a day.

and im only taking 2/3 of the recomended dose.

malkore what brand of creatine are you using?
Form is king. My buddy had a client who said she did 200 reverse crunches, and wanted to know why her back was hurting. If the right spot in your body isn't hurting, it's cause you're doing it WRONG! :)

I find that if I take 5g of Glutamine after a good workout, the soreness goes away much, much faster though.
yes, sore today in my chest. my form was the answer. but iwonder why i used to get sore. then i started taking creatine, and stopped. probably from the confidence boost, then trying to lift more weight, then my shoulders doing most of the work.
Psychology counts for a lot in this game, and sometimes that's all it takes to royally screw up your workouts :)