HMB Supplement

I've been lifting for a few years now and I am looking for something extra. Last year i started taking Creatine Mono, i was looking into another supplement to help a little more. What is your opinions on HMB?

Its been a while since i read anything on HMB (research-wise) but when I did last read about it, it was more for new trainees.

Are you looking to put on a little more muscle, without a true bulking cycle (i.e. adding bodyfat too)?
You might look at Results from - it IS a creatine product, but also has beta-alanine and some other goodies, and a hardy dose of simple carbs for training.
I am looking to put on some more muscle, i've been training for about 3 years now, have lost a lot of fat and gained a lot muscle in the process. I've basically hit a funk where i cut down to about 196 then my training was struggling, i just hit my pleatau. i still have more fat to lose, but i need to take a break from dieting and want to put on some muscle (i know ill put on a little more fat too) I'm up to 204 now and i want to try to put on about .5 to 1 lb a week till mid february, then i will start dieting again. I have been using creatine but was looking for somethign else for an additional boost.
I have read some studies on beta-alanine, they do look positive, but i but i do not know anything about its potential negative effects on the body, is it safe?