Hmb + Ecdysterone + Methoxyisoflavone


quit researching a new supplement every day. NO MAGIC PILLS EXIST. Even steroids aren't that outrageously fast to work, and you run a lot of permanent risks if you don't cycle properly.

HMB has been shown to be very slightly beneficial in recovery time, but only in new trainees. Anyone with more than a few months of regular lifting under their belt will be wasting money on HMB.

Ecdysterone - not much valid research on this...mostly supp. manufacturers making claims like # Improves nearly every bodily function. and # Stimulates protein synthesis in nervous tissue and increases nerve function.
Sounds like horsesh*t to me.

Methoxyisoflavone - can't find any studies that weren't done by a supplment company that sells this stuff. Strike 1. Those studies didn't appear to be very controlled or scientific. Strike 2. I see more references to it preventing muscle loss in bed-ridden patients, than it helping athletes adn those into strength training. Strike 3. More horsesh*t

One of these days, it'll dawn on you, that supplment companies produce billions of dollars of useless supps, because the uneducated person thinks all their solutions can be found in a pill.
and I'm not trying to be a jerk to you Bloc, but I want you to open yer eyes and get over all the false supplement hype out there.

Arnold didn't have HMB, or the other two things, or creatine, or NO2 dilators (which are total crap btw)...hell they didn't even have whey powder back then! ...just some really nasty egg protein powder that tasted like the devil's butt. Yes, he used steroids...but he built a lot of his physique with the right foods, a daily vitamin, and lots of lifting.
I'm just intrested, not like I'm desperately trying to get out of lifting or working out through buying pills.
I use creatine and have used glutamine, other than that I don't beleive I need, or better yet put, could utilize anything else.
When I asked if anyone has thoughts on something I'm not looking for opinions before I buy it, it's morel like if I'm ever confronted with someone taking them and they're all like "man this is great" or "this is horrible" I can say "I heard that it's ....".
Trying to become more informed. Ya know?
Ok, I can respect that. I was reading it as "I'm thinking about taking these to get HUGE..."

One forum you might want to check out is They have a lot more members who (no offense to ANYONE here on this board) are a lot more advanced and hardcore about training, to the extent that they make my level of knowledge seem elementary.
I go there to learn and discuss things...I come here to try to help new members dispell misconceptions and myths, so they can get the most out of their healthy new lifestyle.
Hmm, I'll check that site out. Thanks.