Hiya, I'm a newbie! :)

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New member

I'm new here.

Throughout my life my weight has always be in the state of fluxiation. Sometimes, I've been a little overweight and sometimes I've been heavy, but about 5 years ago I had it under control. First, I dieted for about year--then I took up running.

I had lost and kept my weight off for 5 years. However, I went back to college, and that threw my schedule (and diet) off. Though I didn't gain too much, I went out of shape. Then I bought a house with my boyfriend (dh) and we got married the year after graduation.

It was still okay, though. I was planning to get back into running.

It didn't happen . Last summer, I started having all sorts of weird health problems ranging from sudden weight gain to severe moodswings to nearly-crippling artheritis and muscle pain to hallucinations. My doctor and the 4 specialists he sent me to couldn't figure it out.

Last month, my pet sugar glider suddenly died. My vet asked us to look for a carbon monoxide leak. Sure enough, our gas dryer was leaking. This was the cause of my health problems! When it got replaced, I felt better in a couple weeks. How ironic is it that a vet figured it out? :)

So here I am. I'm 35 pounds over my comfortable weight (I'm only 5'1"), and I have a little work to do. The thing is I look forward to it this time--even if I have to work at it harder than I ever having.

After having crippling pain for 6 months I thought I was never going to be able to do anything active again. I missed running!

However, I expect to be frusterated for a while. I really MISS my mobility and I miss having clothes that fit. Even things that fitted 6 months ago are now too tight.

I started a pilates class several weeks ago, and it's actually working out the artheritis. I have almost no pain and numbness now.

Today, I ran for the first time in over a year (15 minute run). I was surprised to find I didn't have any pain. I'm hoping things will keep getting better. It would be so nice to feel healthy again!
hi!! Sounds like your on the right path!! Keep it up! and let me know if you have any questions!!
welcome to our forum and you can and will do this feel free to visit our diaries and start one of your own!
Welcome and Glad you joined us You will just love it here I do everyone is so helpful . That is something that a vet had to be the one to figure out what was wrong .Did your hubby have any problems to ? I know you will get back in shape in no time you sound motivated .
Hi, Everyone-

Thank you for warm welcome and the support!

I'll definitely come to you when questions come up (and I'm sure I'll have more than a few). :)

Thanks for letting me know about the blogs. I'll start one up today! :)


My hubby was having problems, too, but it was mostly fatigue and headaches. He was also getting moody, too (but that could have been because his wife was acting like a nutball--LOL)

I was getting a double-dose of CO poisoning. Not only was our old gas dryer leaking, but it turns out my old car was leaking exhaust into the driver's compartment and I was on the road for 2-3 hours a day. I found this out when I sold it last week. I had just bought a new car and hadn't driven the old one for five days. When I got in and got it on the road, the exhaust stunk so bad I had to crack the windows the rest of the trip. The muffler had just been replaced and my sense of smell was probably already pretty bad (from the gas leak in the house) so I didn't notice it until then.

Fortunately, we should both be able to recover fairly quickly. Going to see my dr tomorrow to follow up about it--and I want to make sure with him that I am being realistic about my exercise. I have a tendency sometimes to overdo things, and I don't want to end up injured and discouraged (been there, done that).

(Weird Lil' Mamma - 10 points to anyone who can guess what show my screen name came from :D )
weird little momma..wow, no idea! give us a clue!

CO poisioning! wow, that sounds scarey!!! I hope you all are ok
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