Hit a tuff spot


New member
Well I'm about one a half months into weight loss and for the past week and a half my weight loss has completely stalled I'm eating about 1300 calories and have been since the start I lost a good amount of weight the first month but have slowed down/stopped since I'm still drinking plenty of water and tracking my calories but it seems I need to change something up and I don't know what to do.
You've gotta give us some more info than that. At a minimum, how much do you currently weigh?

My first guess is, you may be eating too little. Your body adjusts to a low intake over a long time, and for some people, that can cause weight loss to slow down or stop. According to your ticker, if you still want to lose 160lbs, I am guessing you are in the 300-350 range, maybe a bit more? i'm ~355 right now, and I eat 2500-3000 calories a day to maintain a steady loss of about 3lbs per week. At 1300 calories, I imagine I would start out losing weight a lot quicker, but my body would adjust to the low intake to conserve, and I wouldn't have the energy to work out to maintain my muscle. I imagine it wouldn't take too long for weight loss to stall for me, at a low intake like that.
I currently weight 372. I understand what your saying should I gradually increase my calorie intake then or just jump into it I'm really wanting to lose the weight but I feel like I've been going at it the entirely wrong way.
You don't need to change anything up. You have encountered a plateau. Those things happen. It's water weight or something. A week or two is too soon to start worrying. Have faith in the laws of physics. There is no possible way for you to maintain your current weight indefinitely on 1300 calories a day.

That said, it wouldn't hurt for you to eat a few more calories.