Hip Flexor injury

I have had this injury now for a year!!! Its such a B8tch of an inury. Firstly i ask if anyone can identify with this......

I have a constant niggling sensation in the hip flexor region when i walk. I could still run but the problem would flare right up. Some days it is better than others.

I have seen physio's and they have given me stretches. For example these have included too put one leg forward bent and put the weigt down onto it in order to stretch. Another stretch i have to do is a quad stretch but to cock the leg back even further than normally would.

I have just had an MRI scan this week....i am hoping that the issue can be resolved quickly.

But let me know your experiences and advice that you may possibly offer.
I am having the same problem as well. My hip flexors are extremely sore after running and I can barely walk. This only happens when I run.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have this problem too...injured in November of 2004...i've been to physical therapy for about 4 weeks now, and no change...it hasnt gotten any better since november...I'm fine walking and such, but I cannot run for longer than a few seconds until it flares up like crazy, and than hurts for the next 3 or so days...does anyone have any suggestions at whether or not this can be anything else?
I have had the results to my MRI scan. I was hoping that the doctor was going to give me all the answers to my problems. The outcome......nothing. Nothing showed up which is good really.......but it was disheartning that the doc said all i could do was to be referred back to the physio.

This injury is depressing me. I have to admit it has got better.....but it is always fluctuating. The injury is in such an important functioning area of the body.....i mean i have to walk!!!!!!! and this is probably why it won't go!

I have taken up a full body stretch routine with emphasis on the hip flexor region. I am currently trying another 400mg course of Ibuprofen to try and further reduce the swelling.

Oh well back to the physio in a couple of weeks!
Hip flexor injury

I have just injured my hip flexor (2 days ago). I've been playing sports my entire life and have never had anything hurt so bad. I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any suggestions, besides anti-inflamatories and stretches?
these kind of injuries take a while to heal because you are constantly irritating them. you can also try to soak in a hot tub with 1/2 to 1 cup epsom salts, just make sure someone is home in case you get woozy from the heat and the detoxifing nature of the salts. they will help to relieve some of the inflammation. the key is to tryto let them help with out to much irritation, which is hard to do. keep doing your stretches so it doesn't sieze up on you to.
I thought you guys might be interested to know my progress with my hip flexor injury. I mean its been 2+ years......Im 23 years of age and i have pretty much kissed my basketball career goodbye. I just hope that i can become a regular runner again.

My irritation has improved largely. I have had to enlist in alot of different methods of treatment: Physio, Chiropractor, Shiatsu and now trying Tai Chi.

The pain/irritation is still there right up at the origin of the hip flexor....which means that it has improved. However, when i lie down and tuck my keg into my chest and from this position to rotate it in a clockwise/anticlock wise motion (so that the leg extends) it is still very sore.

I have also noted that when i rotate the trunk/hips to my right.....my affected hip flexor on the right leg clicks quite obviously every repitition.

I manage to put in 2 min jogs 3 times a week...but i am very careful not to go hard!!

Still stretching full body so i dont get stiff. Anyone else that is going through this injury problem....ITS A B*TCH!!!
oh my gosh! i have this too, had an x ray, mri, nothing showed,,
it was my right hip a few months ago, and now its my left hip.. i have pain where my leg meets my buttock in the front and in the back as well as my upper left buttock . It is a Bi*** to deal with, being a runner and all. I have been taking 4 ibuprofen at nite around 10 pm to be able to run at 5 30 am the next morning. I feel little pain when i do that, but i wonder if i am doing more harm than good to not be able to feel, and therefore, maybe i am making it worse. i cant even balance on that one leg hardly cuz all my weight on it kills,, even a extremely light walk around the neighborhood KILLS some days...!