HIIT vs Long long distance running

My overall goal is to shed another 5% off my body fat while maintaining muscel, ive heard a lot of people argue over which is better so does anyone have any good advice on what would be better: ten 100 yard dash full springs followed by a 100 yard walk back to start after each one, or a 2 1/2 mile run, thanks in advance for any advice.
As to which one is better in the long term for your goal the HIIT is. HIIT burns fat at a faster rate and you get that "afterburn" long afterwards. Its intense to your body, just as weight training is. There is a place for that longer run though. Use it for active recovery. Don't do HIIT everyday but between HIIT sessions do a slower longer run
I do HIIT 4-5 days a week would that be 2 much and if so why? would my body just adapt to it or is their another reason behind it
tgunz said:
I do HIIT 4-5 days a week would that be 2 much and if so why? would my body just adapt to it or is their another reason behind it

theres a reason its called High Intensity... because its intense, thus shouldn't be frequent. 2-3 times a week is sufficient, what food u eat and caloric intake will be the remaining factor in ur weight loss.

4-5 times a week would be overtraining, imo.

and while doing HIIT, i'd advise that you not do any other cardio workouts because HIIT is all the cardio you need. plus its the best for burning fat while avoiding muscle loss.

--- and to answer your question about long distance versus HIIT, you will burn more fat running short distances at high speeds then running long distances at 50-70% ur potential.

try running a mile at ur fastest, you will know what i mean.
i agree with joey... HIIT shouldn't be performed more than 2-3 times a week.. anything more would just b too much.. i'v been doing it 2-3 times a week for the past 3 weeks as I was only jogging before then.. i've now seen significant results.. although u feel like absolute crap afterwards it's well worth it
thanks a lot guys just the advice i needed ill take it down to 2-3 days a week