Hiit routine

would this be a good routine joggin at a normal pace for 1 minute then sprinting for 1 minute n keep doin this for 30 min 3 times a day. I wanna burn fat my stats r in my sig.
woops i mean 3 times a week not 3 times a day
would u b jogging then sprinting, jogging then sprinting..etc non stop?

imo i don't think you'd last.. in my case.. i sprint n i'm wrecked.. i think it'd b much better to sprint, walk, sprint.. etc.. then finally jog a lil.. this way u'll still have a bit of energy at the end for the jog.. that's when u'd b burning most fat as ur heart rate would b at it's highest point during that workout.
wicky said:
would u b jogging then sprinting, jogging then sprinting..etc non stop?

imo i don't think you'd last.. in my case.. i sprint n i'm wrecked.. i think it'd b much better to sprint, walk, sprint.. etc.. then finally jog a lil.. this way u'll still have a bit of energy at the end for the jog.. that's when u'd b burning most fat as ur heart rate would b at it's highest point during that workout.

so basically, running at ur fastest for a 30 seconds or so, then taking it down a notch, joggin/walking at 30-50% of ur potential. *acting as a break period* then repeat.

30 seconds sprint
45 - 1 minute jog/walk

@ up to 15 minutes is enough

2-3 times a week is sufficient
Joey007 said:
so basically, running at ur fastest for a 30 seconds or so, then taking it down a notch, joggin/walking at 30-50% of ur potential. *acting as a break period* then repeat.

30 seconds sprint
45 - 1 minute jog/walk

@ up to 15 minutes is enough

2-3 times a week is sufficient
ya i think ill do that 30 sec of sprint then 45 - 1 light jog but is 15 minutes of this enough or should i do 15 min iof this then just jog normally for another 15 min?
Javman said:
ya i think ill do that 30 sec of sprint then 45 - 1 light jog but is 15 minutes of this enough or should i do 15 min iof this then just jog normally for another 15 min?

trust me, u will feel like crap afterwards

and theres a reason its called High Intensity Interval Training...

should not be frequent. lol

if u want. go for up to 30 minutes to hours. depends on u.
just make sure to not do HIIT too much.

2-3 times a week is enough


btw, i'd advise that you do HIIT in the mornings when your fasted with empty stomach. best time to be burning fat.
thanks i tried 15 min of hiit today n im dead lol i wanna get a stop watch though so idont have to carry my ipod for time. I sprinted for 30 sec then lightly joged for 1 min n repeated for 15 min.
Javman said:
thanks i tried 15 min of hiit today n im dead lol i wanna get a stop watch though so idont have to carry my ipod for time. I sprinted for 30 sec then lightly joged for 1 min n repeated for 15 min.

thats great to hear, hope to hear about your results in a couple weeks :]
with a clean diet, you should be losing fat like "swish"
my hiit is running across the road dodging cars.. lolz