Highly recommended program


New member
I don't know about the rest of you,

I've had the best luck with this site

I know it doesn't seem like much but it did work forme. Basically, because i tired the diet pills and they didn't work. And Jenny Craig and Nutria System costs too much for me so i decided to try my luck with this and man... I had no clue the valuable information in this book was. Not to mention they give you a free consolation so they aren't trying to pull any strings with you. I suggest you should take a look at it only program thus far that worked for me period!.
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For future reference....

Hey Spammer, I mean, Johnny boy,

It's really getting old. We all KNOW you have a referral ID on the end of your link. We all KNOW you are trying to bump up sales of this bullshit product to make $$$$ not make us healthy. We all KNOW you are a jerk off wasting our time and yours.......

Give it up already kevinb1138, which just HAPPENS to be your referral ID, not John........

Oh well, I suppose if the spammers didn't try the admins wouldn't have anything to delete or purge each day...


I don't know about the rest of you,

I've had the best luck with this site

I know it doesn't seem like much but it did work forme. Basically, because i tired the diet pills and they didn't work. And Jenny Craig and Nutria System costs too much for me so i decided to try my luck with this and man... I had no clue the valuable information in this book was. Not to mention they give you a free consolation so they aren't trying to pull any strings with you. I suggest you should take a look at it only program thus far that worked for me period!.
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Oh well, I suppose if the spammers didn't try the admins wouldn't have anything to delete or purge each day...

Wouldn't that be a dream?

Try not to quote the spam though, just makes more work for the mods.
