High quality multivitamin that doesn't cause acne

I started taking mega man multi vitamins in febuary. After a few weeks I started to develop some acne on my face and chest. I am 21 years old and I havn't had acne since 18. I stopped taking mega men mult vitamin and cleared up. Someone told me the Iodine in multi vitamins causes acne. Anyone have any suggestions or more knowledge on the subject matter.

I miss taking my multi because it gave me a lot more energy than I have now.
My guess is its something in the Mega Men® Antioxidant Fruit and Vegetable Blend that's in your vitamin...not the iodine. never heard of iodine causing acne. I'm not an expert, but I did try everything for my acne before settling on Accutane, which did work, and I'm acne free now.

next time i buy vitamins i'm gonna try this one:

a multivitamin doesn't need to be exotic. it just needs to be easily absorbed. so far I've been fairly impressed with AtLarge's supplement line. they only make stuff that has research to back it up.
You might try Source Natural's Life Force multiple. It was tested against 1000 other multivitamins and came in 4th and is pretty easy to find. In terms of absorption, it was rated at 97.something% absorbability.