Weight-Loss High protein Diet



New member
Hey guys. well im about to do this diet but would like some help please.

1. Carb & Protein (which is meat & Veg)
3.Meat & Veg
5. Meat & Veg
6. Protein

Meat - 150g - 200g

Veg - 50g

I was wondering if you guys could please give me some examples for each meal.
Thanks :)
There's a book called The China Study, regarding the largest and most comprehensive study ever done on diet and health (their words, not mine), and it explains that the high protein diets can be a catalyst for cancer and disease. In areas of exceptionally low incidence of cancer (remote areas of China, for instance), the protein intake reaches levels as low as 5% of daily calories.

Now whether or not you believe that (I do to an extent) is up to you. Just thought I'd point it out.

I think a better approach would be to design your meals first. That way you can worry about how much time you have to cook or eat. For instance, a breakfast of eggs, bacon, and mushrooms just isn't in the cards for me, so I eat oatmeal with raisins and glass of whole milk. Once you figure out what you can eat, then you start categorizing each into its macronutrients.