High intensity interval push ups?

Hi guys,

I'm a pretty weak guy :( but i'm tryin to build muscles, particularly arms/chest. I'd like to do HIIT workouts, simply cause i don't have too much free time. However, a problem i'm noticing is that when i use 20 seconds of pushups, , i usually cannot go for more than 1-2 minutes before i simply cannot do another pushup. Is this still okay? or is there something else i should be doing instead? I'm a 6 ft tall 180 lb 17 year old

Am I doing it wrong, or is there another, more effective yet also time efficient way of doing working my upper body?

HIIT generally involves more than one type of exercise. Plus, all you're doing is working your triceps and chest over and over again, which won't do anything except fatigue you.

I think you may have the wrong idea of what HIIT is, in general. High intensity interval training needs to involve numerous different exercises, usually alternating, (thus, the 'intervals') and should be performed for an extended period of time. (30 minutes to an hour.)
YOU just said you are a pretty weak guy and want to get stronger, right? This is alright for the fist couple of times you are doing the exercise set for your HIIT..and then you will eventually finish those push ups. Don't go on a single exercise for the whole 30 minutes - that would be totally boring and sometimes useless as you won’t be balancing them.
HIIT generally involves more than one type of exercise. Plus, all you're doing is working your triceps and chest over and over again, which won't do anything except fatigue you.

I think you may have the wrong idea of what HIIT is, in general. High intensity interval training needs to involve numerous different exercises, usually alternating, (thus, the 'intervals') and should be performed for an extended period of time. (30 minutes to an hour.)

It seems I really did have the wrong idea :p, I'd thought the interval part meant intervals of 20s on and 10s off. Could you give me an example of what a HIIT workout plan would be like? I'm not too sure if you're supposed to be doing 30 minutes with 5 mins pushups then 5mins situps then 5mins squats etc, or are you supposed to do 5 mins of mixed then repeat?