High Intensity Cardio Training.

I'm sure you have all heard of this before. Today I just did my first HIIT for the first time. And it was really challenging. After I did it I was sweating alot (and its chilly here in Maryland, USA) and my stomach hurt like I did leg raises for an hour. It also makes you feel good when you complete it. I used and elliptical jogger.

Here is my HIIT exercise
1.) Pick the cardio machine of your choice (treadmill, elliptical, rower, bike, even swimming) and perform a warm up for 5 minutes
2.) Take some time 1-5 minutes to stretch properly
3.) Start at moderate pace for 1 minute
4.) Then do an all out sprint for 15-20 seconds
5.) Repeat steps 3 and 4; 15 times
6.) After this is completed cool down for 5 minutes and then stretch

The full cardio training workout takes approximetely 30 minutes but it does fly by real fast. The advantage of taking a High INtensity Cardio training exercise because it burns fat 9 times faster then just jogging an hour 3-4 times a week. Go ahead and give it a try. It really worked for me! Tell me what you think.
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thats seems like knackering and fun!! sounds like a good workout. i was wondering what every1 thought of this HIIT on the treadmill which iv been doing for a while:

incline: 1
2 mins 8kph
2 mins 14kph
1 min 8kph
2 mins 14kph
1 min 8kph
2 mins 14kph
1 min 8kph
2 mins 14kph
1 min 8kph
2 mins 14kph

this takes 16 mins and i literally sweat like a pig. 14 kph is like a fast run (not a sprint) and 8 kph is just above walking pace. so wat do u think?
::I hope this doesn't sound like an infomercial::

I just did this yesterday and it was awesome. I did a really quick walk for 1 minute and then an all out sprint for 40 seconds, then I repeated this thirty or so times. Took me to about 4 and a half miles and it didnt feel like I went that far at all, but amazingly I had a serious sweat ring.

It was one of those rings you feel proud to sport in the gym. Anyhow, I havn't sweated like that since I was way overweight.

Thanks jmanjman
I do a lower intensity cardio followed by 30 or so minutes of weights and finish with 30 second sprints and 90 second walk. 5 times. Kinda of reminds of finishing high school football practice with a flourish. Keep in mind I am 5'10 330 and the beautiful thing being challenged by the sprint and but he sprint is such a short intreval that it is accomplishable. And when I am done I feel a very intense, very high level of accomplishment.

I really hope I am still working out when summer gets here. I can't wait to feel the warm air on my face as I sprint.
lol i love it too, its in my regular routine now. Best part is i'm not tired after, in fact I have more energy.
My best advice is that you can do cardio on seperate days of a workout, I would schedule cardio 3-4 times a week. If you have to do cardio on a weight training day, then do it after. Theres no negative effects then doing cardio after you lift.
Swimming? interesting suggestion. I have been looking for something a littl differant. I might have to try that.
The HIIT I posted in the top of the thread really works wonders. I have been doing this for about 3.5 weeks and I have lost a good amount of body fat. Along with 1.5-2 inches off my waist. Personally, I have only lost 3 pounds because I don't monitor my diet very well and I weight train. If you have a controlled diet (500 calories below your maintenance level) and do this HIIT 3-4 times a week you can expect to lose 2-4 pounds a week. (Depending upon your weight.).
how often do you do this a week? i jog for 30 to 45 min 6 times a week. would it be ok to incorperate this in 3 times a week and then jog the other 3 days as well?
I used to do HIIT, and what you have to remember is that there has to be a fair amount of difference in your slow speed to your high speed, otherwise you might as well jog. So, go out on a track or something and after all the warmups, sprint (push it but don't over-do it) the straight's and walk the curves of the track. Do that for about 20 minutes and you're done for the day, don't eat anything an hour before or after that, though.