Sport High Fructose Corn Syrup

Sport Fitness
Is it that bad in moderation? I only ask this because it seems like it's in everything at the grocery store. I cut out soft drinks from my diet to maybe 1 or 2 in a month. The majority of what I drink now is water, but I like things like iced tea and Gatorade which have HFCS in them. So is it really that bad?
there's a book out called "you: the owner's manual," and it's got nothing good to say about HFCS. avoid it at all costs apparently. check out the forum on their website if you want more info on it. interestingly enough, we don't have HFCS up here in canada, it seems to be an american thing. if it does exist here i have yet to see a product that contains it.


on a side note, Rockstar Juiced (big orange can) energy HFCS. They used Glucose.

not that i'm advocating it (just that I happen to be drinking it right now)
God yes, that stuff is terrible. I know it seems hard at first to avoid it but once you figure out the brands and stores that carry the brands that don't use it it's a snap to avoid it.

Do you have a Trader Joes of Whole Foods around you?

God yes, that stuff is terrible. I know it seems hard at first to avoid it but once you figure out the brands and stores that carry the brands that don't use it it's a snap to avoid it.

Do you have a Trader Joes of Whole Foods around you?


Whole foods Rules!:p I got the HQ store here in Austin (the BIGGEST!):D.

Never been to a trader joes though.
Whole foods Rules!:p I got the HQ store here in Austin (the BIGGEST!):D.

Never been to a trader joes though.

Do you have a trader joes by you? They are sooo much better and cheaper. I almost never shop at Whole Foods except for the odd item here and there cause I can't afford it!

Do you have a trader joes by you? They are sooo much better and cheaper. I almost never shop at Whole Foods except for the odd item here and there cause I can't afford it!


Im not sure, Ill do some google searches in a moment to see if their are any near by.

The whole foods i go to has very good prices on just about everything. The only thing i ever see overly priced is the cereals!
Of course being as that is the HQ store it might intensionally have lower prices then its other branches.
I wish we had something like that around me. The closest we have is a very expensive Whole Foods about 30 miles away. Anyone who wants to babysit for me while I go is more than welcome :p , otherwise, I'll stick to my beloved HEB.

oh, and yes, HFCS sucks. I avoid it as much as possible (and I check labels like crazy)

One time, I was feeding my son lunch - whole wheat bread, peanut butter, jelly, and applesauce on the side - every single thing had it in it. I switched breads, went to natural pb, real fruit spread w/ no hfcs, and unsweetened applesauce. It's friggin' everywhere.
What about powdered gatorade? I remember reading on another forum that it was better, but I do not remeber why? Just interested, I'll stay with regular gatorade for my cheat meal :)
Gatorade as a cheat? wow, that's dedicated:)

Well I never have drank cokes (yes im from atlanta we call every soda "coke"), I used to drink gatorade all day long. So yea usually a small amount of candy and gatorade or go out to eat. I have a horrible sweet tooth.
What about powdered gatorade? I remember reading on another forum that it was better, but I do not remeber why? Just interested, I'll stay with regular gatorade for my cheat meal :)

check the ingredients, but I do believe in the past the powdered gatorade used a more natural sugar, maybe even glucose...and if it does it'd be good post workout.