Sport High/Fast Metabolism..

Sport Fitness
Hi guys, just a quick questions.
Not sure if this is the right section, I'm kinda new here.

I have a High/fast Metabolism, so would eating food like; pasta, rice, bread help to improve it? as I'm looking to gain weight body build

thanks, Tim!
I think I'm the resident freakishly high metabolism guy here. My maintenance cal/day is close to 4000...and I'm not nor do I intend to be a great big guy (6'1 183 at the moment).

Healthy foods that are high in calories: whole grain pasta, whole grain bread**(If you can find it without a bunch of added sugar and other crap), brown rice, sweet potatoes, nuts (including natural peanut or almond butter), dried fruit, milk, oatmeal

Where are you bud!

The "Calorie Busten Furnace", I am sure will assist a fellow brother with an internal "heating" problem.

He isnt in short supply when it comes to wanting to rant about his 5,000,000 calories per day "bottomless pit" and I still get cut posts. ;) :)

His metabolism is so fast, as soon as he eats, he has to run to the toilet to fill it up.

His "toilet thunder" burns more calories than most of us consume.

Lucky....B@stard! ;) :)


Any hoot, if he doesnt I will come back and post something for the new brotha!

Welcome to the forum! :)

EDIT: oops.......he posted before I did......what a suprise! :) :)

Best wishes

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Here's what a freak's fitday account looks like If you want to see how it's done LOL

Pay no attention to the "calories burned today" That's for an averge person with my activity level, height, weight, age. I'm actually finishing up a slow cut
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The "toilet thunder!" speaks in helping the young man! :) (see edited post, lol). :)

1. What "specifically" are your personal goals?

2. What personal equipment do you have available to use for fitness training?

3. Go here, and reshape your request for help post, and implement some of the contents suggested here:

We then can tailor some of our responses.

4. You have to figure out your personal science of calorie consumption to gain appropriate weight, and this can be done with knowledge of basic calorie criteria and appropriate implementation of personal fitness. I will post additional help as soon as I see your revised info!



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Yeah, do it right, I bulked the wrong way for years and became a ******! LOL

P.S. Chillen I'm still awaiting your response to my latest photo journal entry;):D

edit: the censor got me again! replace ****** with "corpulent buttocks":jump1:
Yeah, do it right, I bulked the wrong way for years and became a ******! LOL

P.S. Chillen I'm still awaiting your response to my latest photo journal entry;):D

edit: the censor got me again! replace ****** with "corpulent buttocks":jump1:

COOL! I haven't seen it yet. I will check it out. :)

Best wishes

Hi guys, just a quick questions.
Not sure if this is the right section, I'm kinda new here.

I have a High/fast Metabolism, so would eating food like; pasta, rice, bread help to improve it? as I'm looking to gain weight body build

thanks, Tim!

When I went in the Army I was 5'8', 105 (soaking wet). I had a drill pull me out and nickname me skinny ugly private and tell me "we have to do something about that and since you'll always be ugly. I'm going to make you big." He then went around and traded to get the 13 fattest guys into our platoon. He nicknamed them the baker's dozen. For the next 16 week, I ate what what he picked out for me (which was on of everything) and half of each of the baker's dozens meal (and anything fattening they happen to grab including pads of butter, I think I ate 20 once...). Yes that's right basically 7 1/2 meals at every meal and lot's of carbs... At the end of the 16 weeks I was (no BS) an inch taller, 170, and my waist was down 2 inches. Of course, other then a few hours a day in classrooms and 4 hours a night sleep, all I did most days was push-ups, sit-ups, and run. After training I went to the 101. The weight started coming off right away... We had a Mr. Colorado finalist in the company and I started working out with him and following his diet plan. I did all the supplements, they just don't make enough of them to over ride nature when you have to live a somewhat normal life. I ended up at 135 and stayed that way along time. At about 38 I noticed I could keep some weight on. I'm 40 now 5'10, 165, 30" waist... in pretty good shape. I guess what I'm trying to say is in my experience, if you can't donate your entire life to over riding your metabolism, you may just have to wait for nature.... Good Luck!!!
The "toilet thunder!" speaks in helping the young man! :) (see edited post, lol). :)

1. What "specifically" are your personal goals?

2. What personal equipment do you have available to use for fitness training?

3. Go here, and reshape your request for help post, and implement some of the contents suggested here:

We then can tailor some of our responses.

4. You have to figure out your personal science of calorie consumption to gain appropriate weight, and this can be done with knowledge of basic calorie criteria and appropriate implementation of personal fitness. I will post additional help as soon as I see your revised info!




1. Just basically eat the right food so I have 'fatter' arms than what I do now.

2. Only some dumbells and a big ball thing (don't know if there's a proper name lol)

4. I run and play for 3/4 times a week. Hmm, I have no idea about the calorie criteria, but I eat 4 meals a day. Mainly consisting of; toast in the morning/sandwich dinnertime/fruit midafternoon / and then a cooked dinner in the evening.

Lol =/ Probably doesn't help lol.
1. Just basically eat the right food so I have 'fatter' arms than what I do now.

2. Only some dumbells and a big ball thing (don't know if there's a proper name lol)

4. I run and play for 3/4 times a week. Hmm, I have no idea about the calorie criteria, but I eat 4 meals a day. Mainly consisting of; toast in the morning/sandwich dinnertime/fruit midafternoon / and then a cooked dinner in the evening.

Lol =/ Probably doesn't help lol.

I'd recommend working your whole body, not just focusing on arms.

Also, it doesn't sound like you eat very much, you might not have high metabolism. Take a look at my link from my earlier post. It will show you what I eat in a day
1. Just basically eat the right food so I have 'fatter' arms than what I do now.

2. Only some dumbbells and a big ball thing (don't know if there's a proper name lol)

4. I run and play for 3/4 times a week. Hmm, I have no idea about the calorie criteria, but I eat 4 meals a day. Mainly consisting of; toast in the morning/sandwich dinnertime/fruit midafternoon / and then a cooked dinner in the evening.

Lol =/ Probably doesn't help lol.

Gooch is one who is figuring out his personal science.

He realized through studying the self and applying simple and basic principles of diet and fitness, that he has a rather high metabolism (all joking aside), and has learned to work with it through applying the knowledge of the basics and advanced basics of diet and fitness. The point?

You can too.

And, you don't need any special equipment.

You walk in your special equipment: YOU.

Additionally, if you do not have access to a gym, or have extremely limited equipment, this is fine to.

Three things can be your friend then: 1. Your imagination (and mind), 2. Your body weight, 3. The yearning of education within the basics and advanced basics of diet and fitness; An on-going continued pursuit.

Until your position gets better and you are able to improve the dynamics of your fitness (like going to a gym for weight training), you can use what you have to get the job completed without any shadow of any doubt.

Alot of persons with a high metabolism say they eat alot and cannot gain weight.

Well, let me be the first to tell ya, within your high firing machine, there IS a bottom to what seems like a bottomless pit.

Any, young person with a high metabolism (that is healthy with no abnormal internal complications), has a calorie/nutrient "point" where their energy consumption "exceeds" what they expended, and this is the "point" where they will gain weight (logically), and you have to work at finding yours.

IMO, in-between the time that you are not able to join a gym, you should take the time to develop a program that suites your goal needs with the time you have and then transcend to an improved routine when you are able to go to a gym on a regular basis.

There are no excuses. Within yourself (and around the house) are the tools you need to get started.

And, YOU can make this happen.

To get started do this:

1. Develop a sound diet that surrounds your goal purpose.

The diet is the absolute key to gaining any tissue. And believe me, being so young, your body will make "functional use" of your calorie consumption, and this is KEY to remember.

You need to learn a few things to begin assisting yourself.

Go here, read, and then post your personal approximated calorie needs according to your personal particulars.

Nutrition 101

Delaware Consumer Health Information Services (Originally Posted by Wrangell)

Create a SURPLUS : (Attempt to Gain Weight, Surplus example)

In order to gain weight, you must create a calorie surplus. It is easier and wiser to increase your calorie intake a little bit at a time.

What you need to focus on is this for mass: (VERY BRIEF SYNOPSIS)

1. Calories

Go over your approximated MT Line (or create a surplus) of about 300 to 500c. As time passes, see what your bodily feedback is, and adjust up/down according to what YOUR BODY is telling you!

2. Have appropriate macro-nutrient targets:

Protein, good fats, and carbs.

Including your micro-nutrients: such as vitamins and minerals.

3. Consistent and persistent PROGRESSION in the GYM:

Even with body weight training, progress and/or try to improve upon the previous workout. Track your diet and track your progression.

The 3 Nutrients (Carbs, Good Fats, and Protein) are an essential factor in the diet; however, the Law of Energy Balance within the DIET, is the ultimate KING while the Nutrients can play in some key decisions made within the body.

How to configure your nutrient ratios:

Nutrient Ratios: Example ONLY

Calories per gram of the three major nutrients:

Protein: 4 calories per gram

Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram

Fat: 9 calories per gram

Example Configuration:

Carbs (2850 calories or your estimated Calorie intake) x (0.50 or other percentage given) = 1425 calories (divided by 4) = 356 grams

Protein (2850 calories or your estimated Calorie intake ) x (0.30 or other percentage given) = 855 calories (divided by 4) = 214 grams

Fat (2850 calories or your estimated Calorie intake) x (0.20 or other percentage given) = 570 calories (divided by 9) = 63 grams


2. Develop a body weight routine.

If you do not have any significant training history or are new to fitness training, you "should" respond fairly well to body weight training (it is GROSSLY under rated as it is).

These links may provide some useful information:

The Ultimate Bodyweight Exercises Archive for Strength Training and Body Toning

Bodyweight Exercises - Mike Mahler - Bodyweight Exercises For Size & Strength!

Additional examples:

Back (and other muscle recruitment):

Grab a broom stick (or a mop handle, or something simular), and do an inverted row (wide and narrow grip). Slap the handle between two chairs, crawl underneath (face up), and pull (overhand grip or underhand grip)


Chest (and other muscle recruitment):

Two mop handles (or something simular), get two chairs (if you have telescoping ones or some that can go higher than waist high--the better), and do dips (bending at the knees).

Some Info on the ab core:

Abdominal Training

How to get abs guide

It sounds like you have a Swiss ball. Here is some info on some exercises you can do with it to get you started: - Top 10 Fitness Ball Exercises

Core Stability Exercises

Swiss Ball Exercises, Strength Training with a Swiss Ball, types of swiss ball exercises

Swiss Ball Exercises


I know you are young, and you may not want to make this too complex at this point. However, there WILL be a time when you may need to pull from other types of knowledge learned and apply it to yourself.

Meanwhile the main points:

1. You can use your body weight to get exercises in and you can use items around your house to assist you.

2. With a stability ball, you can do a variety of exercises

3. Focus "primarily" on your calories (and nutrition) and adjust them according to the bodily feed back you are getting. Remember, being so young your body is in "its initial growth period" and will be performing a lot of functions of growth and you are going to change a lot between now and the age of 18. IMO, the functions of diet (and nutrition) are the most important.

Always pursue knowledge and never let up and as you obtain knowledge:

Don't EVER think you are an expert. Just when you think you are, the body just may throw a rock at you, and "bonk" you in the head and knock the piss out of the ole expert.

One can never know enough. Its virtually impossible to fill the brain to its capacity.


Open your heart, your head, and let knowledge and passion drive you home.

Best wishes as always,

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Remember young man.

You are an "internal team". Never wave the surrender flag "within".

Winners in our world have learned to bring out the best functions of their personal internal team, and make them work in unison with spirit and passion.

Study persons whom had physically and mentally less but accomplish more to a greater "extent" than those with more.

Much to learn. Much to educate. Much to relax and open the brain with.

Leave your view of the world "untainted" to errant ways of the self and be aware of them, to open a brand new world of self awareness.

Take your young passion and make this happen.

EDIT: And, remember a "wounded spirit" is far worse than a "temporaily wounded body"

There IS no greater injury than a wounded spirit.

"Feel" the rythem of the spirit inside. It cannot be measured. Let them think you are a quack with enthusiasm for life, mental health, and physical improvement, while assisting others to find theirs. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH OF IT IN THIS WORLD OF OURS!

A spirit is not made of glass. It is made of material that cannot be made by mankind but can be built in your mind.

From my heart to yours,

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Good advice overall, but when you eat a large number of calories, in the 4000 range you don't have to try to get more protein. The grams add up easily. I stay between about 182 and 190 (I purposely bulk and cut between these and I eat over 200 grams (which is more than I need) without even trying to eat high protein.
High metabolism causes your body to burn calories at a faster rate. People with a high metabolism rate can eat more without gaining weight. Try to take the food that are high in and calories like whole grain pasta, brown rice, nuts...

x2. Nuts, stead, peanut butter are all great additions to a lean mass plan.