While there is no proven way to spot reduce the fat on a certain part of the body. You can firm and build muscle on a certain part of the body. The added muscle will increase your metabolism and make body fat less tolerant in that area of the body. For instance, men carry just as much body fat in the inner thighs and upper back as they do in the mid section. But because of the size of those muscles along with the placement of the fat (making it less seen) most men don't bother building muscle in there inner thighs and upper back. But yet they wonder why they can't loose the fat around there mid section. It's because they still have other areas like the inner thigh and upper back with large portions of body fat. So as a personal trainer I recommend pinching yourself (Pinch to measure body fat.) Start with pinching your stomach. See how thick the pinch is. Then pinch your inner-thigh about half way up from your knee. Then reach underneath your arm and pinch your back. If you pinched half or more than what you pinched on your stomach, there is a good chance that you need to build muscle in those areas to speed up burning fat. This will eventually lead to your body burning fat around your mid section. The following is a list of exercises to increase muscle in your inner thigh and upper back.
Upper Back:
1. Lat pull down; 4 sets of 15 @ 60% of your maximum lifting weight.
2. Seated Row; 4 sets of 15 @ 50% of your maximum lifting weight.
Inner Thigh:
1. Wide leg press; 4 sets of 20 @ 40 to 60% of your maximum lifting weight.
2. Single Wide leg dumbbell squat. 4 sets of 15 @ 20 to 40% of your maximum lifting weight.
3. Leg extension; 3 sets of 15 @ 60% of your maximum lifting weight.
4. Smith Machine Squats; 15 @ 40% of your maximum lifting weight
Has anyone else figured something like this out. Information is based on updates for ISSA,The Complete Guide.
Good fitness
Upper Back:
1. Lat pull down; 4 sets of 15 @ 60% of your maximum lifting weight.
2. Seated Row; 4 sets of 15 @ 50% of your maximum lifting weight.
Inner Thigh:
1. Wide leg press; 4 sets of 20 @ 40 to 60% of your maximum lifting weight.
2. Single Wide leg dumbbell squat. 4 sets of 15 @ 20 to 40% of your maximum lifting weight.
3. Leg extension; 3 sets of 15 @ 60% of your maximum lifting weight.
4. Smith Machine Squats; 15 @ 40% of your maximum lifting weight
Has anyone else figured something like this out. Information is based on updates for ISSA,The Complete Guide.
Good fitness