hidden creatine?/steriods

read an article last week that said a british study found steriods [small amouts ] hidden in protein powder. i was aslo told by an old timer at the gym that there is creatine in some powders. is any of this true?
some suppliments can be unpure and have traces of illegal substances. To prevent this, you should buy your products from someone who have their products lab tested for such things (not every product, but one out of each product batch or whatever it's called, testing each and every unit would be too costy)
I thought it was in like lolcats speak. You know, "I is in ur freezer eatin' ur ice cubes" or "mreik is teh bomb".
Karky, creatine is uncountable (creatine is a...) ;)

lol :p that's the whole point, it's uncorrect grammar "creatine are steroid" :D it just makes the joke better as it gives the impression that I'm one of those keyboard moron warriors or something

And creatine is not a steroid at all. Suppliments that contain traces of illegal substances usually have to small ammounts for you to get benifits from them, but big enough to be noticed and you will get punished if you test positive (I know at the gym I train at in my home town, there are regular testings)
lol :p that's the whole point, it's uncorrect grammar "creatine are steroid" :D it just makes the joke better as it gives the impression that I'm one of those keyboard moron warriors or something

And creatine is not a steroid at all. Suppliments that contain traces of illegal substances usually have to small ammounts for you to get benifits from them, but big enough to be noticed and you will get punished if you test positive (I know at the gym I train at in my home town, there are regular testings)

lol thats stupid that they test people at a gym. I am sure most people who use roids would hear of the reputation of the gym and not end up going anymore :confused: so the gym would just end up having less clients and they would never catch any one...
roids are illegal, so they test, I don't see anything wrong with that. Besides, it's a power lifter gym; there are a lot of people who compete there.

I think in Norway, aslong as you're a member of a gym you can be tested unnotified, however, it very seldom happenes, most people probably go their whole life without experiencing it. However, if you lift at a powerlifer gym, for some reason they are a bit more inclined to test there ;)
lol :p that's the whole point, it's uncorrect grammar "creatine are steroid" :D it just makes the joke better as it gives the impression that I'm one of those keyboard moron warriors or something

And creatine is not a steroid at all. Suppliments that contain traces of illegal substances usually have to small ammounts for you to get benifits from them, but big enough to be noticed and you will get punished if you test positive (I know at the gym I train at in my home town, there are regular testings)

Since you started giving grammar advice,
I'd like to know if there are steroids in some supplements. You stated that there might be some "SUPPLIMENTS" that contain traces of illegal substances, but does the same think stand for SUPPLEMENTS?,
I mean I've a bought a lot of supplements, but never bought a suppliment, do I still need to worry ? :D
Damn, I'm drawing total blank on his name, but there was a football (American) player who tested positive and it turned out it was from a legal supplement he bought
roids are illegal, so they test, I don't see anything wrong with that.

You can't be serious!!!

I think in Norway, aslong as you're a member of a gym you can be tested unnotified,

Big Brother is watching you. :D

That is the craziest thing I have ever heard. Can you opt out of the test? Like -

"I do not consent to this test."
Has anyone seen "The Science of Steroids" on National Geographic yet?

They are also having an episode of Explorer called "Testosterone Factor" all about the way testosterone shapes our bodies and actions
Since you started giving grammar advice,
I'd like to know if there are steroids in some supplements. You stated that there might be some "SUPPLIMENTS" that contain traces of illegal substances, but does the same think stand for SUPPLEMENTS?,
I mean I've a bought a lot of supplements, but never bought a suppliment, do I still need to worry ? :D

I never gave grammar advice, but since you said it like that, you'll never know :yelrotflmao:

And G. The gov will try to uphold what's the law, that's just the way it is, that's why they test, nomatter how bull**** it is, they are just doing there job.
I'm a bit unsure about how the testing works and stuff like that, I've gotta check that out.

I just found something interesting from a Norwegian news page. From the fall of 08 they will comense drug testing, they can't test you if you don't want to though. Also, it states that the use of drugs (not like drugs drugs, but like test, and stuff like that) isn't prohibited as long as you don't do organized sports!
I'm trying to find information on this, and there isn't much. I think it all comes down to whether you're in some kind of sports club or whatever..
I think that if you are competing and you refuse a test, you're pretty screwed.. but I don't see how they can have the right to test everyone in the country who's just working out..
Has anyone seen "The Science of Steroids" on National Geographic yet?

They are also having an episode of Explorer called "Testosterone Factor" all about the way testosterone shapes our bodies and actions

dude.. don't believe things you see on TV about steroids. I don't want to make this into another steroid thread. Sure, abusing steroids can have serious consequences, but the media will only give you the bad sides and examples of the worst cases because if they don't they will get shot down by everyone else.
No one is going to convince me using gear is OK or safe for your body, but I'm sure the media hypes it. That's what their job is, to sensationalize everything.

National Geographic is pretty good, it will be an interesting watch