Hi to everyone!


New member
So my browser had me log in again and deleted everything the first time, so please excuse me if I forget anything! Haha

I go by Amy, I'm 19 and I live in Brazil. I have a BMI of 23.5, which is good, but a really unhealthy lifestyle. I'm pretty convinced that my age is the only thing keeping my BMI from going into the overweight area. Basically, fast food and spaghetti and chocolate and soda and pizza tend to be common meals during my week, and I've stopped going to the gym for awhile, so I'm really bad off in terms of health and I've been wanting to change that.

I don't have any wedding/prom/event I'm anticipating, I have all the time in the world and I would really like to take it slowly. But I would also like to do all the major habit-changing and weight loss in the first semester of 2015, ideally. Then I would just keep up my healthy habits for, well, the rest of my life, hopefully.

My main goal right now is to a) switch most of the unhealthy snacks for healthy ones (and really start liking them, like yogurt, fruits, whole wheat products) and b) go back to the gym at least 3 times a week for cardio, fitting in some weights whenever possible. I don't have a goal weight, but I would like to (ideally) get to a fat percentage of about 15-20%. (I don't know where I'm at right now :s)

This is a bit more personal, but six years ago, I wanted to lose some weight and I encountered pro ana sites. Basically, it took me three years to really stop with the mentality I built up for so long. Even though I thought it was completely gone these past three years, for some reason, going back on a weight loss journey seemed to trigger all that, so I'm really trying to avoid measures like counting calories since something as small as wanting to lose weight seemed to already be enough to get me to even consider going back to that, so counting calories and fasting days are out of the question.

If anyone has any tips or resources they think I should read or cool recipes and snacks they think I might like, go ahead! I'd love the feedback. (I do warn you, though, any kind of seafood is automatically not my thing :p)
Also, I'm having some trouble finding good salty snacks. Fruits and yogurt are great, but it would be nice to have a salty, healthy snack alternative :) (I was considering learning to make a hummus dip with carrots, that sounds nice!)