Hi there!


New member
Been trying to slim down now for about 8 months and am doing great! Started at 202 in February and now I'm at 159. It's been a very challenging journey considering I'm doing it all by myself. Well, my husband was and continues to be my greatest supporter! His love and commitment to me keeps me strong.

When I first began I had a lot of support from my family and friends, but it seems as the fat disappeared, so did the support. I started getting the impression that they didn't want me to slim down at all. That they never really believed it was going to happen and now that it is, they are jealous. No amount of research ever prepared me for that aspect of weight loss and it was a real shock to me.

My best friend is a very large lady and since I lost all this fat I don't hear from her anymore. That is the saddest part I think.
Congratulations on your success. Sometimes that happens with people. I have no real advice but I have been on both sides and it is a weird aspect of weight loss. It's their problem, not yours. You are a new person now with new habits and interests. Sometimes others find that hard to deal with. Especially if they wish they could lose weight and become healthy too but struggle.
Yeah I've heard a lot of people have had that reaction to their slimming efforts. But it's just made me stronger. :)
Its sad that when you start making healthy choices for yourself you almost have to find new friends. I even had problems with my family. Its sad very sad.
What great progress you're making! That is so awesome! I'm sorry to hear about the negative reactions you are encountering... =( Maybe you can be the positive influence/role model for your friend to help motivate her to get healthy?