Hi, new member need advice with suppliment list

Hi, I am planning to get on the suppliment training program hoping to get better gains. Currently, Iam 5'11 at 155lbs and been working at a minimal pace.
But here is my current list, I bought with my brother-in-law, he's kind of like a health guru, but we're not really sure when is the best time to take each suppliment.

Flax oil w/ lignans
Creatine Ester
Green Vibrance
Whole Food Multivitamins
Cyto gainer protein

It's my first list, so I decided to go with the expensive stuff, just to be safe.
Anyone have an idea on a good schedule to take all of this?
Flax oil w/ lignans - not as good as fish oil...there's a lot less EPA and DHA in flaxseed oil, and the body doesn't process its as well as fish oil. plus a couple researchers claim it increases risk of prostate cancer...nothing solid yet.
NO2 - total junk. all it does is bloat your muscles with extra blood. no increase in strength or performace. its basically cosmetic..so you may as well use an eyeliner pencil and draw abs on your stomach.
Creatine Ester - is ok, but unless you don't respond to Creatine Monohydrate there's no good reason to buy this more expensive form of creatine. but it DOES work...next time try monohydrate.
Green Vibrance - if you eat enough veggies, you shouldn't need this.
Whole Food Multivitamins - as long as its free of fillers and preservatives, and doesn't have a thick coating, its fine. consider it insurance against your diet to make sure you get enough vitamins.
Cyto gainer protein - a good protein powder
Thanks for the advice, we did talk about how the NO2 might not go well with the creatine ester, I guess I wont be using it.

But for the creatine and protein, when the best time to take it?
Also, the reason I pick the flax oil is because it's in pill form. I can't take anything liquid, especially fish.
It's easy to find fish oil in pill form. I use a product called MEGA by Nature's Way. It's a blend of fish/flax/borage/olive oil with all the omega 3/6/9 you need, in an easy-to-swallow softgel.

A Whole Food multivitamin always the best, usually worth the high price.

The only other thing on that list I would use is the "green vibrance", because more green in your diet can't hurt. In my humble opinion, the following supplement is sufficient:

1. Whole Food multivitamin (Nature's Way makes an excellent one)
2. Fish/Flax blend in pill form (If you can't find a blend get both individually. Barleans makes the best.)
3. Whey Protein (for a post-workout punch, but not to replace the protein gotten from meat, soy, dairy, legumes, etc. throughout the rest of the day).

Good luck!
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its not a matter of NO2 not 'going well' with CEE, its the fact that NO2 is a joke. it dupes hundreds of thousands of people every year.

NO2 is not unlike Viagra. it pumps you up for a short time, and then its gone. It didn't do anything permanent, it didn't 'fix' any problem, and it doesn't affect your performance in the gym. Viagra actually does serve a purpose in life. NO2 is no different than tanning and oiling up your body to accentuate muscle separation. its nothing but appearance.

and they charge you out the ass for it. you can buy $5 worth of l-arginine and get the same hemodilation effect as NO2.
Yeah, I was duped by the salesman in buying a 180 tablets bootle of NO2 and I used it once or twice, so I can't return it. I guess it will be my first and last purchase of NO2. It does give your body some external pump, but only temporarily.

But I am planning to take Creatine Ester and NO2 30 min beore workout.
Protein, vitamin, green vibrance, and berlean's flax oil 2 hrs before workout.

Any problems with this method?
^ There's no reason to take the vitamin, green vibrance, and flax oil before working out. As these don't have any immediate effect, they can be taken any time to supplement your overall health. I prefer to space out my intake of supplements throughout the day in order to ensure proper absorbtion (something to do with competition for receptor sites).
bran is right, those two supplements are more about the long term effects of using them daily. i also space mine out. the vitamin I use takes 4 caps to get a serving. I usually only take 3, one every other meal. fish oil caps at most meals (except post workout).

technically, creatine is also a 'long term' supplement, not one that works 30 mins after you take it. you supplement to build up creatine in the body. that's why the label talks about a 'loading phase'. you don't really have to do the loading phase...if you take it daily, you'll be 'loaded' in about 3 weeks time. since its more about building up, and then maintaining that level, I just take creatine post workout in my shake.
as long as you take a serving a day, it will do its thing.

the NO2 is a more immediate effect. and you're right, may as well use it up since you paid for it. the only arguable benefit to NO2, is it does give you a nice pump, and for some people, that's the little extra motivation they need to keep going to the gym.
I used straight arginine to get the same pump, and I agree that you can feel and see it, and that's the allure...actual instant results. then people trick themselves into thinking the NO2 is why they are having a good workout. Placebo effect.