Hi, Im new! :)

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New member
Just wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Jessie, I am 20 years old and from Australia.

I have never really had a problem with my weight before, well that was up until about 4 years ago when i was 60 kilos and i have now risen to 100kgs. :O Its quite shocking.

I have joined the site as i think having a support group will help motivate me to lose weight, as at times i can be really really lazy :p

My goal weight is to be back at 60kgs or around a size 10-12 (im currently a size 20). Not sure about how im going to do it yet, except for cutting out the take-away which i eat allmost everyday. That is going to be really really hard!

I'll post up some pictures of me now, so hopefully when i lose some weight, ill have something to look back against.

Hope to get to talk and meet all of you soon
Luv Jess
Hi Ruby!

Glad you found us! We are very supportive and will help you as much as we can!!

What kind of diet are you considering?? I'm a huge fan of the 1200 cal. diet!

You can start a diary, it will help you to keep track of your cals and excersize!

Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions!
Hey Ruby! Welcome to the group! I know your going to love it here everyone is so supportive! I look forward to chatting with you!
Just wanted to say welcome to the forum, you will recieve lots of great support here to reach your goal.
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