HI...I'm Dennis ....new here and I'm on an ALL-SALAD diet plan now.

Dennis Vader

New member
If I accidentally post something I shouldn't have, please alert me....I'm new at this.

Anyway, just to share my new journey to getting HEALTHY.... started about a month ago...

I decided that whatever I diet I was on was making me fatter and fatter.... so I stopped and started over.

NOW, I'm on an all SALADS , LOW CARBS diet....Mondays to Saturdays and then give myself a break on Sunday (my CHEAT DAY! :p ) . Thats the only time I can allow myself to eat whatever ....but I try not to go crazy. This diet plan is for 3 months....after that I'll expand to other healthy diet recipes in my "RECIPE COLLECTION".

By the way, I'm making a point to stay away from HIGH CARBS and PROCESSED CARBS food. Sweet desserts and sugary drinks (which definitely includes soft drinks) is a BIG NO NO.

Anyway, how I keep myself from getting sick of SALADS - well, I go around the internet looking for all kinds of SALAD recipes..... One recipe a day (Yup the same salad for the whole day.... I place them into plastic containers and stick them into the fridge...DO NOT MIX IN THE DRESSING...Keep it separate until ur ready to eat ...then u can mix in the dressing.

And I placed all the SALAD recipes (including other recipes) I find into my blog.... and its all FREE for downloading at - [Link Removed]

To access my collection of recipes, just go to the section called FREE EBOOKS, RECIPES, REMEDIES - register, and then once the email confirmation is done, you will be sent to the links for the RECIPES.... You will see I collected more than SALAD recipes....there's quite alot of RECIPES there. I will be loading more SALAD RECIPES there once I find more good ones to try. I haven't tried them all yet. But I will , once I'm no longer on an ALL-SALAD diet. I'm giving myself 3 months to try it out.

So good luck on your journey.... and you can post or comment as you wish.
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For the first two months of my body transformation journey, I also tried a salad diet.

It was totally the wrong approach. Pretty soon, I plateaued.

It wasn't until I figured out how to eat my favorite foods at the right times that I was able to keep fat storage at bay.

And I don't ever do more than 6 minutes of cardio every day, 5 times a week. That equals 30 minutes a week, and I'm still able to burn fat like crazy.

I don't take any supplements. All natural. It's all about when and how to eat.

The best part? I still get to eat my favorite foods, without EVER worrying about gaining fat or becoming out of shape.

You may try out your diet for the next 3 months, but the question is, how will you scale that approach to make it a part of your lifestyle?

If you, or anyone else for that matter, want to learn more details on how I do what I do, just post a comment or message me directly. Happy to share.

For the first two months of my body transformation journey, I also tried a salad diet.

It was totally the wrong approach. Pretty soon, I plateaued.

It wasn't until I figured out how to eat my favorite foods at the right times that I was able to keep fat storage at bay.

And I don't ever do more than 6 minutes of cardio every day, 5 times a week. That equals 30 minutes a week, and I'm still able to burn fat like crazy.

I don't take any supplements. All natural. It's all about when and how to eat.

The best part? I still get to eat my favorite foods, without EVER worrying about gaining fat or becoming out of shape.

You may try out your diet for the next 3 months, but the question is, how will you scale that approach to make it a part of your lifestyle?

If you, or anyone else for that matter, want to learn more details on how I do what I do, just post a comment or message me directly. Happy to share.


Thanks for sharing.... I plan to start this diet for 3 months while I'm still doing my workouts... then I will proceed to add on other diets to scale up my routine so that I can also concurrently increate my workout routines. I definitely would like to find out more of what you do to just workout 6minutes a day to trim down and still eat whatever you want. If only this could work for me, I wouldn't mind considering. Whats yr name by the way? Thanks and cheers.
I think it also depends on the person's body and what works for them. There's so many diets around and encouraging to lose weight in different ways, though they don't all work for everybody.

I mean good luck on your salad diet ☺️ my dad's doing the same thing, though he's cut carbs out completely and is just eating loads of protein and veg.

My kind of diet is just smaller portions of healthy cooked food (and a little treat every week haha) seems to be working. I've also bought like 5-7 exercise dvds off eBay and just do whatever ones every week so I don't get bored. Though they were cheap, I made sure to look at reviews on the Internet before purchasing them.

Thanks for taking the time to read.