Hi. I'm a former alcoholic etc, my story

Michael Smith

New member

I used to be a quite serious alcoholic and would destroy where I was living and seriously self harm.

Eventually I managed to reduce but could never completely stop binging on alcohol - at this point I became homeless and subsequently addicted to opiates.
Much of my life I have also been a chain smoker and of course obese.

I have also probably spent a decade of my life smoking marijuana.

As an adult at 21 I was diagnosed with ADHD. The doctor put me on a medication called Ritalin. Unfortunately it gave me constant pronounced tachycardia and severe panic attacks.

The psychiatrist was unwilling to prescribe any other ADHD meds and.that was that.

I spent many years seeing various psychiatrists and psychologists. Tried many different medications - none of it made any difference. Doctors told me I had depression, others anxiety and multiple diagnoses of Borderline Personality Disorder (which is incorrect)

I ended up on Suboxone for my opiate addiction when ended up diagnosed with ADHD again - by two psychiatrists.

With reluctance and fear I was put on Dexamphetamine.

Ever since then my life has profoundly changed.

The medication doesn't give me side effects, it doesn't even reduce my appetite.

What it gives me is self control, motivation, stability and focus.

Since going on the medication I stopped cravings alcohol and drugs completely.

I started walking daily - actually able to stick to and remember things I commited to.

I lost 50% of my excess weight just briskly walking 45 minutes per day and simply being half healthy with what I ate.

Eventually I increased the walking to.two hours daily in conjunction with push-ups and various muscle exercises. A little jogging at times and another 30 minute brisk walk at night with my dog.

I was initially 127 kg. I am now 87kg at age 41. I have also gained a lot of muscle and strength and I'm entirely confident to lose another several kilos.

I don't smoke any more or use any drugs whatsoever, only my medication.

I do take a couple of medicinal herbs (entirely legal ones) for stress due to some highly traumatic experiences I went through before treatment.

I am a completely different person. I'm only just finally starting my REAL life. I've never even had a girlfriend or been intimate with anyone. I am.very grateful that I was lucky enough for this to happen

Just my story. Thanks for reading.
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