hi, i literally just signed up. Haha. So i was doing some research abt effective long term weight loss diets and exercises cos i am now being forced by my mum to take this supplement called "Alpha Lipid SD 2". Idk if any of you know abt this supplement but let me summarise what this product is about. So you basically have to consume 2 scoops of this supplement with 250ml of water 4 times a day in 6 hour intervals. How does it tastes? It tastes like shit and tastes like plastic, i vomitted back out the drink when i first drank it. In terms of diet, if its your first time taking the supplement, per day, you can ONLY consume 20 grams of carbs for the first 2 weeks and 35 grams of carbs the following weeks. In addition to that, you CANNOT consume anything that has sugar in it AT ALL, which includes fruits and fruit juices even. The drink is suppose to make you feel full, fight hunger and gives you energy for the lack of food that you're consuming. But so far, its not helping me with any of it. With this supplement, you can lose from 5kg up to 10kg a month. Sounds good right? But nope, once you stop being his supplement and you dont continue the planned diet for it, you'll gain back all the weight that you lost or even more. I just find that this is just such an unhealthy way to lose weight, cos you dont get enough nutirents that your body needs and it is ONLY effective short term. I've been crying almost every night because I am being forced to take this supplement by my mum cos she wants me to look good on my engagement which will be held early December this year. I promised my mum that I will lose weight for the engagement but this is not the way i want to lose weight. I wanna lose weight in a way that doesn't involve me having to take any supplement at all that would cost me hundreds per month and also a diet that does not deprive me of the nutrients that by body needs which will work in the long term, not only short term, with exercising to help make the weight loss for effective. I was doing