Hi guys, wonder if you could help me? (female/weights)

Hi, Im sorry If Ive posted this in wrong board, but it is half2in the morning here lol.

Basicly, I would like some advice, and I guess you guys know the majority that I don't.
I want my stomach to be more toned/defined, but I am limited to what I can do as I have no access to a gym. Ive been doing crunches, squats, the general things, but Im not sure Im doing them right, I hurt my neck alot? Is there anything from the kitchen maybe I could use?

My diet isnt good, Im a recovering bulimic, so It would be pointless listing my intake. Im also unsure of my weight as I refuse to get weighed.

Im hoping to see some results within 3months, is that achievable? When I stand on a side, i look very unproportional.

Here is a photo (full body so you can get an idea of my weight) and tummy.

and the dreaded podge!

Thanks guys, kayla
Hi Kayla,
It's good you've been doing some crunches and squats. It's a bit of a concern that your neck it hurting, it probably does indicate that you are doing something incorrectly. When you're doing your crunches, try and concentrate on a spot on the roof and keep you head and eye-line focused on that spot while you're doing the crunches.
Now one other problem is that you're saying you want a flat stomach? Unfortunately there is no such thing as 'spot-reduction' so just exercises your core will not mean you will get a flat stomach, sure it will strengthen and build some muscle, but if you've still got some fat ontop of that, no one is going to see it. So you would need to do some cardio work as well; walking, running, cycling, swimming and so on. This will help you decrease your body fat and help tone your stomach. Another good thing to do would be planks, this strengthens your deep abdominals, many people with week core strength can do as many crunches as they want and not get a toned stomach because their deep muscles are not strong enough.
Hope it helps =)
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