Hi From a Guy in desperate need of help

You can Call me jc if you want
i am 26 Y/o 189 Lbs and just started training for about almost 1 month

i'm not trying to be the biggest guy on earth or anything like that
iv'e been an alcoholic for quite some years now and im taking the baby steps cutting on drinks
i slacked from 6-8 drink (beer a day) to max 4 per 3 days.
i am trying to push myself out it by exercise and weight lifting .
My gut of beer of beer for the moment is kinda of an obsession and i wanna get rid of it fast or w/e the time it takes
i just don't know the right exercise to do .
i know walking running jogging is a good way but i want something that's more fun and motivating
i got my routine exercise for my upper body and noticed change a little bit
More strength more reps etc etc and more tone to the muscle ive been working out
But for the Gut i just have no idea where to start to burn the fat.
If you guys have good fun exercise to propose that would be really nice
Thank you alot