Hi Everyone!!

Hi, I am new here and just wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself.
My name is Valerie (friends call me Val).
I have been lifting for a couple of years, and have been seeing results here and there...... but have just found out recently that my training routine was all wrong for me! :confused:
Anyhow, now I'm off to a new start and decided to start here. I've read around the board a little and like what I see! I'm sure that there are members here who can steer me in the right direction!:)
I will give you info about myself...but I'm tellin' ya--it sucks! (not to mention embarassing.)
I'm 31 years old, 5' 81/2" tall and I weigh @ 165lbs.
BF% is obiously too high.....not even sure...maybe 25-27%!!

I need to cut!! Big time! I need a totally new routine. My workout routines have been designed for mass in the past, which was cool, but for some reason the one that I've been doing for the past 2-3 months was more like a powerlifting workout than anything else and I was not even aware of it! (that sucks!) (sounds stupid, that's why I need you guys/gals!!)

I do, however, have a friend who knows a lot about anything fitness! So, I will get a new routine from him and hope to get support and motivation from you people here!
Looking forward to getting to know you all! See you around the board!;)
Welcome to the forum Val.

It's great to have you here!

Welcome! Your weight training routine should be at the bottom of the list of variable to modify for fat loss. Many would actually say you weight train the same for muscle gain or fat loss, and I would say that is pretty darn accurate.

If you need to shed some unwanted bodyfat, its all in the nutrition and aerobic exercise. What are you eating now, and how are you training aerobically?
stroutman81 said:
Many would actually say you weight train the same for muscle gain or fat loss, and I would say that is pretty darn accurate.
Now, here is where I get confused!!:confused:
If I were training for mass would my reps be somthing like 12-14?
And for cutting I always thought like 20-25 reps along with a hell of a good cardio workout in place.

In a nutshell, this is what I'm working on.....(taking a week off right now though.)
I've been told to try MMA training or something along those lines. (gotta get me a heavy bag.)
Also to do Wind Sprints, then weight train a bodypart/day, doing only 3 exercises/bodypart--20-25 reps/exercise.

I will post my workout plan when I get some things straightened out and you all can help me out a little if you want. PLEASE!!!;)
Newfiechick said:
Now, here is where I get confused!!:confused:
If I were training for mass would my reps be somthing like 12-14?
And for cutting I always thought like 20-25 reps along with a hell of a good cardio workout in place.

In a nutshell, this is what I'm working on.....(taking a week off right now though.)
I've been told to try MMA training or something along those lines. (gotta get me a heavy bag.)
Also to do Wind Sprints, then weight train a bodypart/day, doing only 3 exercises/bodypart--20-25 reps/exercise.

I will post my workout plan when I get some things straightened out and you all can help me out a little if you want. PLEASE!!!;)

the difference between training for mass and cutting is dictated by the diet. Either you take in more calories than you burn (gain mass) or you take in less than you burn (lose fat). 20-25 reps is too high.
Thank-You all for the warm welcome. It is greatly appreciated!
I also appreciate the info that you're giving me!! :)
I'll be honest, I'm "almost" clueless when it comes to using the proper weight training exercise for fat loss. I've been training for mass and strength in the past and now need a routine to help lose the fat! (Thanks junkfood....I thought that those darn reps were gonna be too high!! How about 12-14??)
I will begin HIIT soon-2-3x/week and then I just gotta get my diet straightened out. Any idea how many calories I should be getting/day? And how about my protein intake? (I'm guessing I will not need as much now as I used to need...since I'm no longer training for mass. Any suggestions are welcomed.) Thanks in advance guys/gals!!

Awesome forum here people!! Learning a lot. You guys Rock!! ;)
Hi Val! I was wondering if you have ever tried a product called tunguska blast. it will definitely help you out in your workout. it is an all natural product. it would definitely be worth a try for you. it has totally changed my life.
runnerx3 said:
Hi Val! I was wondering if you have ever tried a product called tunguska blast. it will definitely help you out in your workout. it is an all natural product. it would definitely be worth a try for you. it has totally changed my life.
Gee, that was fast Runnerx!! I just barely had my post submitted and you replied....you guys are fast here!!;)

I've never heard of that product. Don't know anything about it. Good to know that it's working for you though.:)
it seems runnerx3 is using this forum to spam. ignore him.

as far as reps, if you are just beginning, 3x10 is usually a good place to start, but you can go as high as 12 if you like. As stroutman said, your weight routine isnt as important as diet and cardio when trying to burn fat.

weight routine is important, dont get me wrong. But it doesnt have to be complex. You shouldnt start hitting complex weight routines until you have been doing a decent steady plan for 6 months or maybe even a year.

I suggest a full body workout 3 days a week focusing on big compound movements. (a.k.a deadlift, squat, benchpress, pull-ups, military press, etc.) and maybe a couple isolation exercises to focus on trouble areas. You wanna think muscle groups, not just individual muscles. This is ideal for cutting, and burning calories and raising metabolism.
Thanks Junkfood!

I've been weight training for abourt 2-3 years now. Been training for mass and strength though.
So, this cutting stuff is newer to me. My diet is ok. My cardio was fine, but am going to begin HIIT soon.
But since I'm no longer training for mass/strength....my weight training has to change. I'm a little confused in that area....everything else is fine. (I'm ok strong for a lady...I've been told) Do I need to lower my reps? lower my weights? I can post a copy of my workout that I just finished up if you all want...maybe you guys can tweek it for me!!

Awesome advice Junkfood!
Welcome to the forum!
I'm sure if you could post your routine and/or diet you could get plenty of help here. Lot's of very knowledgeable and generous people here.

By the way love your avatar!
css925 said:
Welcome to the forum!
I'm sure if you could post your routine and/or diet you could get plenty of help here. Lot's of very knowledgeable and generous people here.

By the way love your avatar!
Hey CSS! Nice to meet you. and thank-you for the welcome.
I've been reading around here a lot and yea, you're right!! Lots of knowledge on the go here! I love it!!
I will post my routine....later today!! I'm running late here at home because you guys/gals got me hooked!! :) So, when I return later...I'll get my routine on here.

BTW...my avatar is cool, eh? LOL! Mind you, my a$$ looks nothing like that!!LOL!:p
Newfiechick said:
Hi, I am new here and just wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself.
My name is Valerie (friends call me Val).
I have been lifting for a couple of years, and have been seeing results here and there...... but have just found out recently that my training routine was all wrong for me! :confused:
Anyhow, now I'm off to a new start and decided to start here. I've read around the board a little and like what I see! I'm sure that there are members here who can steer me in the right direction!:)
I will give you info about myself...but I'm tellin' ya--it sucks! (not to mention embarassing.)
I'm 31 years old, 5' 81/2" tall and I weigh @ 165lbs.
BF% is obiously too high.....not even sure...maybe 25-27%!!

I need to cut!! Big time! I need a totally new routine. My workout routines have been designed for mass in the past, which was cool, but for some reason the one that I've been doing for the past 2-3 months was more like a powerlifting workout than anything else and I was not even aware of it! (that sucks!) (sounds stupid, that's why I need you guys/gals!!)

I do, however, have a friend who knows a lot about anything fitness! So, I will get a new routine from him and hope to get support and motivation from you people here!
Looking forward to getting to know you all! See you around the board!;)

Hey there fellow Newfie. :D I think your the second newfie i seen on a fitness board. {thumbs up}

Has with training sure you can use different training methods for different goals but the main factor to reduce bodyfat is nutrition.

This is the one of the most brutal programs you'll ever seen. Try it if you dare. ;) You can even followed the diet mentioned in the program. Don't worry too much about the supplements but i always have protein powder on hand.


It might be alittle advanced however if your not versed in free weights.

PM me anytime if you want any advice and/or suggestions.

Good Luck. :)
If you want a VERY BASIC way to look at weight training, it goes like this:

3-4 sets of 8-12 reps, moderate weights = building muscle and strength (think bodybuilders)

3-4 sets of 4-6 reps, heavy weights = strength training (power lifters)

3-4 sets of 15-20 reps (or circuit training), low weights = definition (think of the men's health models, not the muscle and fitness models)

Like I said, that's a very basic scale of weight lifting. There are different principles (sports training, volume training, cutting, etc etc, but that's just a basic layout that I follow).
Welcome to the boards :)

I'm curious, how close do you live to Oak Island? I remember when I was about 10 years old, I had a book about mysteries around the world, and one such mystery was 'The Money Pit' which I remembered being mentioned. I just looked it up on WikiPedia and it's just as fascinating as it was 10 years ago.

Are you aware of the story behind it? Do you know what lies at the bottom of the pit?

-AudiTy =o