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:) I'm nearly 34 years old..I have 2 children, they r the love of my life..I'm 5'1" and weigh 233lbs...I can't handle being like this any longer..my kids r growing up fast and I haven't enjoyed it with them..because I can't..I'm too ashamed and embarassed of my size..I have tried lots of diets, weight watchers, atkins, low carb, high protien, diet pills, cabbage soup :eek: , u name it..I've done it..I have lost alot of weight at times..but it has come back..with a vengence!!!..I'm currently excerising at Curves..I go 5 times a week..I love it..but my weight has not gone down..but my energy has gone up lots..my husband says he can really notice the change..my problem is that I can't control my eating..is there something I can do?

thanks a million
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Hi ladyfox welcome to the forum, I hope you can find some advice to help you and lead you into a healthy life style good luck with your journey.
don't take this into offence, but it sounds like it's not the diets that aren't successful, it's your ability to control your eating habits. You may need to get your husband to exercise some tough love by managing/monitoring your eating.
hi i have a one yr old daughter and i weigh 92kgs i hate my body i hate everything about it ive tried that optifast milk shake and it works i know it does but i cant stick to it whenever i go on it i crave food and worst of all it seems whever i try it my partner seems to eat mor junk i wish they'd bring that biggest loser show here so i can go on it.
Dear " I Need Some Help " Here is my thoughts

:) Honestly !!! You have to be the one to control the input and control you diet. What type of foods are you eating ? Are the healthy ?. I think a good start for you would be to sit down and list Good Foods - Bad Foods - Healthy Foods. Put a plan together. Once in awhile yo can even have some of the bad foods from that list...But , not daily. It sounds as if you have your exercise routine going pretty well. I personally do alot of Cardio Workouts and have found them to be the best for weight loss.

I will talk to you anytime you would like and offer you some support and motivation as I can. My eamil is: weightbusters2004@yahoo.com

Bless You
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