Hi Everyone!

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Hello everyone,
I just found these site and so far it seems great. I am 5'6" about 190lb and want to loss about 45lb, for two reasons 1. I'm getting to fat and my clothes are not fitting me. 2. My wife and I are planning on having a baby and I want to be healthy to be able to provide for him/her.
What I lack is the monivation to exercise and these time I will try harder and keep to my goal. I know that by exercising I can loss the weight I put on, I done it before with a friend monivating me to do so.

In closure I just want to say to everyone we can do it if we set our minds to it. :D
hello and welcome. Good luck with your weight loss and we'll help you wherever we can
Welcome to the forum. Well it looks like your attitude is in the right place. I too have a problem getting motivated to exercise. I just have to keep pushing myself, once I do I feel great. And you will too. Exspecially once you see the results. Good luck!
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