Hi everyone! I'm tired of being chubby! :D Drop by, say hi. :D


New member
Hello everyone,

My name is Aubry ^_^. I am 21 years old, and I have been trying to lose weight for, what it feels like, forever. I'm really glad I have found this forum, because I feel like it is the one thing I'm missing to keep me going, and get me to my goals. I have a weight loss goal of approximately 35 lbs. I am 5'9, and my CW: 165.4 lbs as of today. I weighed about 168-170 during high school. After high school I got up to a hefty 190 lbs, and I had had it. I was fed up with being quite chubby, and lost almost 50 lbs! I got down to 145 lbs. Earlier this year, I broke up with my ex of whom was very abusive, and brainwashed me into hating my body, and myself, and I met my current amazing boyfriend in January. He has helped me through so much, but I have gained 20 lbs since I have met him. I am sure some of it is muscle, because I finally got to go do things I love, like hiking and mountain biking, but I have also re-established my utter love for food. I want to lose around 35 pounds so I can be happier, more comfortable with myself. I love clothes, and fashion, and doing cosplay and costuming. I love to dress up/cosplay Steampunk style, and I would really like to make this goal by spring 2016, so I can feel comfortable with a boudoir photoshoot. I think me celebrating with something like this, which I would have never thought I would do in a million years, if you asked me a year ago, but I am comfortable with this now, and find to be something good to aim for. I want to be comfortable with myself also, so I can be 100% comfortable around my boyfriend. Thanks so much everyone, and I hope you guys can help and listen to my journey. Definitely open for suggestions and help all around!
Hey Aubry

Anyone can lose weight, the trick is finding the right path.

Are you a calorie counter or do you like to eat as much as you want and still lose weight?

Drop me a line

Welcome to the forum. I think starting a journal in that section is a great start! You can achieve that 35 pound loss! I believe in you, believe in yourself and you will!
Try Try Try And Don't Give Up

Hi Aubry
Good Luck on your journey

Just Try And You Will Get What You Work For
I hope You The Best
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