Hi EveryOne I'm New Here Please Guide Me

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Carol W Cline

New member

so I've been needing to shed pounds for some time now.

I've attempted weight control plans and exercise However not had the inspiration to adhere to it.

I've downloaded applications, attempted food arranging, calorie checking. Nothing is working.

its creation me feel discouraged as I am not what I used to resemble. Ive increased 4 stone and I simply feel so terrible and I'm apprehensive my sweetheart feels a similar way yet doesn't have any desire to let it out. I Tried pants on today without precedent for some time and they don't fit. I've purchased garments for my estimate and need to restore them tomorrow due to requiring a greater size - a size Ive never been in, in my entire life.

I'm intending to attempt again Monday as I truly need to fit in my pants once more.

any thoughts/help/inspiration?
Welcome Carol!
I've attempted weight control plans and exercise However not had the inspiration to adhere to it.

I've downloaded applications, attempted food arranging, calorie checking. Nothing is working.
I think most everyone here has been there at one time or another. I know I have and I know it doesn't feel good. I don't have any magic cures, but I will make some suggestions to get you started:

  • Start a diary on the Weigh Loss Diary Page (https://weight-loss.fitness.com/forums/weight-loss-diary.9/).
  • Tell us more about yourself and your goals. You will see some guidance as to what to say in the first couple of posts on the page.
  • Start posting your food and progress everyday. This will help you with some self awareness and provide us the kind of information we need to better advise and support you.
  • Look at the diaries of others, it will give you ideas, and if you see someone you like feel free to ask questions or just comment on the diaries of others. That is what they are for.
  • Don't wait until Monday to start a diet, start eating better today. You know what better would look like, and you can always adjust your diet as things move along. To start with it could be as simple and sticking to 3 moderate meals a day. The only real time to start is now, don't let what you did or ate earlier today or yesterday bother you, just focus on the now.

Best of luck to you!
Hi Carol and welcome to our forum :) Rob covered pretty much all I would have wanted to say so I'll just add: what are the reasons you want to lose weight and what are the things that make you want to sabotage thosr goals?
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