Hi everybody


New member
Hey there.
I'm from Canberra, Australia.
I'm not specifically here to lose weight, just trying to halt the gain. I lost 20kg a few years ago but it is slowly starting to creep back on. I could stand to lose 3-5kg maybe.
I've joined the gym but I'm finding it really boring. :(
Welcome to the site!

Australia is a beautiful country. I'm sure there is something you can find outdoors to do.... biking, hiking, swimming....
What kind of exercises are you doing at the gym? If it's cardio stuff, can you bring a magazine or an ipod to keep you entertained?
Kaitie said:
What kind of exercises are you doing at the gym? If it's cardio stuff, can you bring a magazine or an ipod to keep you entertained?
Personally, I find that looking at members of the opposite sex working out is pretty good entertainment (/me prepares to get whacked)...

Well, now that that is done. You could probably make one or two minor changes and that would be good. Do you drink a lot of water? If you drink soda you could just quit. This guy I work with stopped drinking soda and he lost 12lbs in 3 weeks. Welcome and good luck to you.
What I'm doing at the gym... I had a weights program made out for me which takes up 3 days a week. I'm trying to do cardio on another 3 days, but so far have only been managing one or two days :( They have 6 tv sets in the cardio theatre and a little port for headphones on each piece of equipment, so it's really not so bad. I just like complaining :p
I haven't been drinking enough water due to it being winter here. I don't usually drink soda, but I just recently got a new boyfriend and he drinks coke all the time. When we're together I tend to just eat and drink the same as him. Also, due to it being winter I've been having far too many hot chocolates :)
Thanks for the advice. Look forward to getting to know you all better.
I know it isn't easy but try to find a friend to go with! Why not try to convince your new BF to go with you?

I drink lots of water, winter or summer, and we have COLD winters here... Why don't you drink water in the winter?

Good luck!

Haha, yeah, once again I really have no excuse. I just don't feel thirsty so I only end up drinking about a litre to a litre and a half per day. I think you're supposed to drink two litres or so... besides, cold is relative depending on what you're used to:( yes, I am a whinger...