Sport Hi All

Sport Fitness

I am new here, and came across this site about a week ago. I was looking for advice on dieting (and don't worry that's not the complete reason I am posting here). Through reading previous posts, as well as viewing other websites, I was able to put together my own diet.

Special K
Glass of Milk
Blueberries or Strawberries.

Mid-Break (when time)
Apple or Orange

Glass of Water
Turkey Breast Sandwich on a whole wheat bun
Carrots with Fat Free low Carb Ceaser Dressing
either and blue-berries or strawberries.

Break (When time)
Apple, Orange, Grapefruit.

Boneless, Skinless grilled chicken. / Samon
salad (either fat-free ceaser or fat free italian)
baked potato/carrots/corn/aspargis

That's a pretty regular day. My question though, is with this diet here. When I go to the gym is there anything I should eat before and or after? I have only been doing this for nearly a week now. (Not even) and although I know not to expect results right away, I am feeling great. However, I'd like to make any proper adjustments if I can. I tried to encorperate oatmeal, but it makes me gag.

Any advice?
What's your goal??

There aren't many calories here. Try to add something to the oatmeal, maybe splenda, or sugar free syrup (I actually tried it and it's not bad). Or some of those berries you have.
My goal, over all is to lose weight. Right now I am sitting at 240 lbs (I am 20 years old 5'11). Although I do have some muscle on me, it's not nearly enough to account for the weight.

As far the oatmeal goes, I have tried everything. Berries, Sugar, Splenda, Skim Milk... Whatever I can. :(

I also forgot to mention that as another snack I normally have penut butter on whole wheat crackers. I know that's protein.