Hi All

Hey all,

I stumbled onto this sight and found it pretty interesting. Ive always been a little above average and im looking to loose 20 pounds asap! Im looking for a strict healthy-living routine that I can follow because im kind of a scramble-minded person. Any suggestions? I also am addicted to chocolate...and Im not even joking when i say addicted, but I know its not really helping me out so Im ready to give it up. But i dont know how to go about it....help!

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welcome flynbabygirl
i think the best way to get rid of choclates in first place is, not keeping them at home
it really works ,well it worked 4 me
i used to be CHOCHOlic , i used to eat everything in coc flavour but now i dont crave for it coz i think at certain stage ur body just stop thinking ab that

Definatly get rid of the chocolate. The caffene and sugar in it are quite litterally addictive. Should posatively be your first step.

Just remember, this is a good spot for help.
welcome :)