Heya im a bit nervous when driving

Hey there, i just wondered if any1 got any advice with learning to drive. im cureently learning, and sometimes at ok at it, and then sometimes i will start making mistakes, its annoying, i dont feel like im getting any better

Any advice would be great

Jackie xx
Practice, practice, practice.

Experience is the best teacher. I would simply ask whomever is willing to take you if you can go out driving (parent, older sibling, etc.). Or whenever you are going somewhere together on a small trip, ask if you can drive.

In time, you'll never even remember that driving was EVER hard for you!
yeah, you just gotta practice. When you start driving, you WILL get into situations that are scary, and there will be these "almost accidents" that's what you learn from. The way you get good at driving is by making mistakes and learning how to react and correct them from experience.
I put off learning how to drive. I'm almost 18 and I don't have my license. I've been trying to practice, and I am getting a little better, so there was hope for me. My advice would be just to realize that you're not going to be perfect and not beat yourself up if you make a few little mistakes.
I got my license in high school but I hated to drive and I used it only to drink, cash checks, and ride on airplanes for almost 30 years. Then five years ago I realized that I needed to drive and I took lessons again.

The best advice I got was to not worry about what the person behind me was thinking - that if someone said 'You can go' and I didn't think I could, to wait until I was sure that the 'coast was clear' - that the best judge of my abilities is me.

The other adivce was that every time I got in the car, I needed to be behind the wheel - that experience was the only way to get better and get over the fear.

What I can say now is 'Why didn't anyone tell me how much fun driving was?' I am still not good at highways or night driving, but the freedom that comes with being able to drive is so huge. Do not let yourself be denied this pleasure.
Not to worry about what the person behind you is thinking is good advice. My dad told me this time and time again when he was teaching me how to drive. Take your time, don't drive into the roundabout (etc) before YOU are sure the coast is clear.
I dind't read all the posts, but eventually you'll get used to it. Personally I didn't find it too hard (once I mastered the clutch since I learned with a stick), but the clutch threw me for a loop for a bit.

Make sure you have that student drivers sticker on. People will give you a wider berth generally.
Haha yeah lol, i know what side of the road to drive on. Thanks for all the advice, its great. Ive been practiceing a bit here n there for about 2 years now with my bro n dad, but not many hours all together

Thanks, i will keep all this in mind

I cant wait to pass my test, im well looking foward to that, n i should be able to get a better job then. im sick of getting buses, round here they only run to about 5, so its having an effect on work n what jobs i can take, i
hope to be driving about feb or march

Thanks again, Jackie xx