I have a question regarding something that's been bugging me about exercising. Running vs. Bicycling. First off, I want to say that I do not enjoy running as a form of exercise. Basically because after about 2 days that I run for consecutively(about 30 mins each day), my shins start to hurt
I think it is because of my excess weight, but that is my opinion. Now, I feel like running is THE ONLY form of cardio that pays off. I say that because after running, you feel tired, out of breath, and feel like you just completed a really hard workout. Now, about bicycling, I love it. I cold do it for a looong time. But my problem is, why does bicycling seem like a not such vigorous activity? I mean, when I do bicycle, its not leisure its a good enough pace to get me to start breathing hard, but After I finish bicycling, why does it seem like I haven't done as hard of a workout than running? Also, I found out, that you can burn almost the same amount of calories as running, which I find interesting. So my final question is, will bicycling be a good form of cardio for me while trying to lose weight?