Hey ya'll


New member
Hello everyone,

my name is Kallie and I am 20 years old but I've always been the fat kid. I've been married for just over a year now and I have a 3 1/2 year old son. I am going into my second year of education.

I've really just got sick of living the way I do and I've really gotten a wake up call with my parents weight and the state of their health as both have type 2 diabetes. My current weight is 322 lbs (down from 326 my highest wieght) and I am only 5'5. I often wonder how I ended up this way.

I was pretty athletic at 180 lbs 5 years ago. Like I did all sorts of sports and that and was good at a lot of things but some how I gained 140 lbs since getting with my now husband and having my son.

I've really lacked motivation and everytime I start and try to change my life, I fall back into the same bad habits and end up gaining more wieght. My husband could eat anything and never gain a pound, so he is often a bad influence on me.

I found this site because I was looking for a place where people know how i am feeling and I can relate to and get support.

sorry this was so long and I can't wait to get to know you all better soon,

Welcome to the site!
Hey there,

Welcome to the site and if you need some advice or a friend to talk with just send me a PM. I can share with you what worked and what did not work for me dietwise. I wish you all the best of luck in losing weight and I am here if you need someone to give you a peptalk. HUGS