Hey there


New member
Hi, how's it going? I found this forum while looking for a community to be part of. Since I'm interested in having a healthy lifestyle I thought this might be a good idea.
I've always had problems with my diet and the worst thing is that I only recognized them recently (better late than never, I guess).
I am not overweight, however I hate it when I binge (and sadly I do it often) so hopefully I'll be able to fix that during the time that I spend here. I used to work out quite a lot this past summer, when I had a job, but when summer ended and school started I just became a lazy sack of poop again.
Besides my desire to become a better version of myself, I'm interested in music (for which I dropped out of my first university, hoping to get in a conservatory next September) and making new friends. I also joke around most of the time cause laughing is fun.
Anyway, hope to get to meet some nice people around here. Also Merry Christmas to those who celebrate.
Welcome to the forum :)
I really understand your issue with binging. I had so much success with what triggers this and how to manage it I wrote a little book I published on Kindle.

What you are looking for when you bing is "PLEASURE" and the binging, or comfort foods, and desserts trigger the production of pleasure hormones in the brain. There are healthy ways to trigger these hormones other than foods. When you feel like binging you can use another stimulus other than food and get as good or a better rush of these brain hormones.

For instance, you can take a front-line defense with the "Urge," by a simple pleasure hormone producer of taking a shower instead of getting out that half a gallon of ice cream!!

I tell how this same principle of brain chemical awareness can be used in Mood Management which is key to food abuse. Also, the principals can be used in all manner of personal development.

When controlling our brain chemistry we effectively take control of our self and our life.

All the insight about brain chemistry is scattered and buried in the material on the net.

James Turner
I discovered why most weight programs don't always work. To work there must be a replacement of the Pleasure Hormones that "More Food" or "That Food" creates. It is all brain chemistry and it rules our emotions and our body. I have never seen it discussed as an issue with eating problems. Eating creates pleasure hormones in the brain. Eating more creates more pleasure hormones in the brain. So eat what is needed, the proper portion size and then use some non-food source of supplying pleasure hormones to top off a meal.
James Turner
In my little book, I tell of my experiences in learning how to easily provide myself with the pleasure hormones. Exercise is the healthiest way to get pleasure hormones and this is why some people get hooked on working out all the time or running mile after mile is because it causes them to feel good. There are simpler ways than needing a gym or going out and running. I talk about my perfect exercise that only takes a few minutes now and then and how it also overcomes any mood.
James Turner
this is sounding more and more like a promo blurb for your book and little more.
The simplest way to prevent overeating is to eat what is allotted and then do anything that brings pleasure. The old routines of an after-dinner liqueur or a cigar hakes sense. Those hormones can also be produced with a good conversation especially leading to laughter or feelings of affection. Mild exercise like going for a brisk walk will also produce the feel-good hormones causing a feeling of joy and satisfaction.

I tell in my little Kindle book how I discovered that brain chemistry causes our moods and our moods change our brain chemistry. Faking joy works to help us feel better, "Putting on a Happy Face," causes us to feel good.

By exploring how to control my appetite allowed me to discover a key to self-development that has changed my life. I can now control many old habits like being defensive instead of quietly listening to a friend helping me with an issue. The sense of well being has allowed me to be less emotional in general about things in my life, especially food and the need for the pleasure it brings.

I want to tell everyone about this key to make any program successful.

Overeating is not the only source of pleasure, use all of them instead of "More Food!"

James Turner
No one needs my little Kindle book because I am telling the most important material tight here.

The fact is we can control our emotional reaction to things. We can provide the satisfaction we seek in excess food with other choices that are actually fun and good for us. Instead of having a second helping or getting off on a binge we can do anything we enjoy as fun, and it will be different for each person what is used as fun.
We often eat because of the mood we are in... we can change that mood with many different activities that feel good to us. When feeling blue just do something that feels good to you and it breaks the grip of a poor mood you will try to mend with the good feeling of eating.

Your brain chemistry affects what and how you eat. You are eating for pleasure when you indulge yourself and choose any of the other things in life that cause you to feel good. One I use is calling a special friend that validates me allowing me to feel good about myself.

When the urge hits me I also use my Rebounder to get a burn exercising on the miniature trampoline and it creates a rush of the feel-good hormones that eliminate the urge to eat. I find my pleasure elsewhere. That is the real key to getting any of these programs to work is to provide a substitute for the need to use food to feel good, to feel pleasure.

James Turner
All I can say is to experiment. The process and pleasures you use to control the urge to eat will be different for everyone. I use vigorous exercise for a few minutes on my rebounder because it is so convenient and effective. Someone else might skip rope which would be a quick way too. Others might like getting all dressed up in their gym gear and joining the crowd that works out. The social pleasure of the gym can help in gratification and be feeling pleasure even more than the hormones from working out and you don't need to really push yourself.

James Turner