Hey Guys

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New member
Hello everyone. I'm new here. I am 18 years old male. i am 5'8'' and weigh 190. This forum seems like a great place to go to learn about weight loss so I decided to check it out. I look forward to learning and sharing my opinion with you guys. :) Good luck everyone and lets lose some weight!
g'day and welcome to the forum :)
Welcome to the forum.

Are you looking to lose 20lbs or so? One thing about you guys is that you can drop weight quicker than us old ladies ( speaking for myself). Guess its all that muscle.

Good luck and dont be shy
Hi! glad you found us!

What kind of diet/excersize are you going to do??

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!!
Yeah you nailed it I'm trying to drop about 20 pounds. I'm hoping to have that done by the end of the year. I would be happy between 165 and 170. I'm hearing good things about the 1200 calorie diet from all of you guys, so i am considering doing that and doing about 3 hours of cardio a week and some lifting. A few problems that I have:

- I do not eat enough times during the day. I'll usually have a couple snacks and a big dinner in my day and thats about it. I should start eating more meals and shrink dinner down a bit.

- I work at a fast food joint. Ut-oh :eek: I do alright though.

- I'm in college and am a pretty busy guy so I am going to have to work hard to stick with all this but I am planning on working hard.

Let's see what happens!
Cprice- theres a few people on here that work and go to school, I have three jobs and go to school part time- so all I can say is make sure ya pack good snacks!! I useta not eat all that much, but I noticed right away a difference with eating throughout the day, and counting cals is helping. good luck to ya :)
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