Hey Guys new here like to make some friends

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New member
Hey guys whats up i am a 18 yro guy who is 6' 2'' tall and about 270lbs and really wants to lose weight i just need help please this site is a little confusing but i will hopefully figure it out help me please thanks guys
Alw......wow!!!..we have so many people that will be getting married on here!!!!
I know you want to look your best for your future wife...AND for yourself!!! :D
We have a couple of guys already on here...plus there will be enough of us gals cheering you on!!! Go ahead and start a diary!!!....Also feel free to post anywhere. Dont be afraid to ask any kind of question you may have....
Happy to have you here..
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welcome, if you need help with something just ask or send us a private message. :)
Hi Alw and welcome! You will find that the people on here are wonderful! I have made so many new friends and everyone is also very supportive and great motivators!!!
ur in luck. u've come to the right place. and, a little known secret ... it's easier for you to look great than some other ppl ... why? easy: ur young and male.

the first one is easy. you still have a youthful metabolism, so it doesn't take much to kick it into high gear.

why is being male and advantage. because we can do heavy weight training. you are n't concerned about having a skinny figure. doing weight 2-3 / week and decent cardio 2-3 / week will get you there faster. by building "big strong muscles", you increase your bodies ability to burn calories. however, you still need to do the cardio ... they won't do it all by themselves by just sitting there.
Alw, Just wanted to say welcome!
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