Hey everyone!


New member
Hi There!! :)

My name is Stephanie Bennett and I'm 21 years old. I need to lose about 46.5 lbs and decided to search some weight loss forums. I stumbled across this one and was amazed to see how friendly and supportive everyone is! I really look forward to reaching my weight loss goals and contributing to the discussion, while learning some new techniques and recipes!

I used to weight 200lbs but lost about 40 on weight watchers but once my membership expired and I didnt have the money to keep going (poor student!) I started to gain weight again! I gained back about 5 lbs which wasn't too bad but recently I've gained back at least 10 which is too much. I need to control this before it gets out of hand :)

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Hi & welcome!

WW is a great plan. And you can use the training it gave you to get down to your goal weight! Congrats on the weight you did keep off!
keep up the good work. I also am at 168 and trying to get to about 140. I just gave birth 9 months ago and am still working on removing the extra weight.
Congratulations on your new baby and goodluck with your weight loss:)